Chapter 9

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I woke up in a cold sweat. Still in chains. I had a dream last night. It felt so real. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. I heard someone walking towards me.

"Here. Your new uniform. Put it on and fast. Master Slade has an assignment for us."

It was Derek. It was the sick and twisted old friend of mine. He threw me a black and orange uniform. Somewhere deep down there was a good side to him. It just got left behind somewhere.

He came over to me and was unlocking the chains that bound me to the wall. Then he whispered "I'm sorry, Sam. I'll explain why I've been acting like this later," then a little louder he said," now get up and get dressed!!"

I grabbed the ugly uniform and got up. I stared at Derek and he just walked away. If he wanted to mess with my feelings so be it! But I'm not falling for anything ever again.

The uniform was all black and orange. The pants were all orange. The shirt was short sleeved and the top right part was black and the rest orange. There was chest armor that had swirly engravings on it. There was also a metallic, pointy belt as well as knees armor. There was also a mask that was supposed to just cover my mouth. I changed clothes in the far corner of Slade's 'lair' which was really just an underground basement.

'I thought he would have better fashion sense.'

"Well Sam. Aren't we looking a lot better this morning." I look up and Slade was on a broken conveyor belt that was in front of me on a higher level.

"Stop trying to complement yourself. It's pointless and just downright stupid. Who would've thought that you actually had some sense."

"Shut your mouth!" Slade jumped down from the conveyor belt and and landed in front of me.

"Well well well Slade. I see you can't get away from me today."

"I said shut your mouth! Now. I have an assignment for you and Derek."

"Why can't I go by myself?"

"Because he's an important apprentice of mine."

"Yeah right. He fails you once then your gonna kill him."

"He's going with you!"

"Fine. What's the big task?"

"There's a special chip I need you to get. The baker downtown isn't who he says he is. He has the chip inside his safe. Retrieve it and I'll have a reward for you later."

"I don't need any awards. Especially any from you," I said," will anyone get hurt?"

"Now how am I to know the answer to that?" A smirk was quickly drawn to his face.

"I'm not doing this if anyone is going to get hurt. If they are then count me out."

"No one is going to get hurt."

"Fine. Then I'll just go and get your precious chip." I walked towards Derek. "C'mon. We need to go."

"Alright. Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the other side of the room.

Slade met us over there and handed us each an earpiece.

"So I can contact you."

I pulled my arm back, away from Derek.

We walked until we came to a secret staircase. We walked up and it led to a tunnel. Derek and I walked together to the bakery. The first time it was silent in a while.


"Huuh!!!" I woke up with a gasp. The dream I had was so real I could recall everything. Was it really real? I pulled down the sleeve of my left arm. There was a scar just below my shoulder. It was real. Then the alarm sounded.

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