Chapter 15

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I walked out of the computer room, more like trudged my way to the living room. I saw that all the Titans came to Sam's said 'party'. I walked slowly as I tried to gather all of my thoughts.

Where was Slade? What was he having Derek do for him? What more can we do? Maybe we could search the city again. Sam needs to understand this is all for her, I can't just forget about it for a night. I just need to get some food and coffee then go back to the computer room to get back to work.

As I entered the open area I saw Speedy. He and Sam were dancing rather close when right in front of my very eyes they started kissing. She was kissing someone else in front of her own boyfriend! I can't believe her! Anger and jealousy boiled through me as I watched them. In only seconds they both deepened the kiss but before it could go on I interrupted them.

"Ahem." I stood there, arms crossed, glaring at Speedy. "Sam how could you?!"

"How could I? How could I?! I didn't do anything wrong! Just kissed a guy I like, there's nothing wrong with that."

I felt myself being pushed over the edge as she said these things. She likes me. Not Speedy. She just met him today. My face was twisted with anger as I spoke, "I'm your boyfriend! You can't kiss anyone else but me."


"I'm your boyfriend! You can't kiss anyone but me." As soon as boyfriend came out of his mouth I was off.

"Look here Robin. You are NOT my boyfriend anymore. I told you I don't deal with control freak shit anymore. And you can't control me even if we were going out. I am in charge of myself! I can date and like and kiss anyone I'd like! I told you back in the computer lab that whatever we had was over. And that's final." I took Speedy's hand and walked to my room taking one last glance at Robin's expression.

Once we got to my room I slammed the door behind me then sat down on the edge of my bed. Speedy came over while putting an arm around me.

"Gah! This is so stupid! I like you and not him! He won't just let anything go!" I was fuming when Speedy got my attention.

"Hey, I agree with you that Robin should let this go. Maybe he just really cared about you. If you and I are too much then I can wait. I'll always wait for you."

There it was again. The 'I'll always wait for you' stuff. I got up and walked over to the wall full of my drawings. I glanced at the one of Robin and I near the tree. I looked down at the ground; it wasn't like that between him and I anymore. Now I had Speedy.

"No. I feel perfectly happy being with you."

He walked over and I turned to face him. I looked up at him and instantly put my arms around his neck with his around my waist. This felt so comfortable. To be with him. He whispered into my ear.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."

"Thank y---" I started but he cut me off with his lips crashing onto mine. I opened my mouth slightly-he got the message. Our kisses became quicker, more desperate, more hungry, more wanting. I wrapped my legs around his torso while we kept kissing. I ran my hands through his hair as he pulled me closer to him.

*crackle crackle*


My feet hit the ground as we separated, gasping for air.

"Speedy???" It was Bumblebee calling through his communicator.

He picked it up and answered, "Yep?"

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