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I'll be punishing chapters on, Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes on the weekends

For this story Xisuma is a hybrid between a warden and no one but EX knows about it.

This story also takes up on hermitcraft season 7 because why not. Xisuma just doesn't wear the bee suit.


For Xisuma's warden stuff. He will be blind but has a excellent smell and sense of directions, he will also be very quiet so he barely makes any noise when walking. He will be able to do a screech of some kind to deafen someone for a few minutes(around 2-4 minutes). Xisuma will also be sensitive to noises and has warden horns.

Also Xisuma's helmet helps block out noises and somehow hides the warden horns.


EX. For this story EX will be deaf as the void has no sound and it kinda made him go deaf(don't ask how because I don't have an answer) EX's helmet helps him hear sounds/noises.

Pretty sure that's all, if there is anything else I will probably put it up here or add it somewhere along the story.

Slow updates until summer break as I have to do exams.

Forgive and Forget. - Xisuma & EX book - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now