Treehouse! 1/2 • Chapter 16

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Xisuma POV

I landed at mine and EX's treehouse. God this brings back memories.

I felt around the trunk of the tree to find the ladder than climbed up it.

I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed yet. It has been years since this was built.

(Fancy Flashback)
(when X wasn't a warden hybrid yet)
(Also X and EX didn't wear armour until later on)
(X and EX are also 12 for this flashback)

X and EX were running through the forest, dirt and some blood on their pants, the blood was from thorns that they decided to run through.

"Brother, brother! Look!" EX pulled X's arm and pointed to a large tree, "We can make a treehouse!"

"But how..?" X said, confused.

"I don't know! Let's just draw out the treehouse!" EX sat down, taking off his backpack and pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil.

X sat down and look over at EX's sketch, "What if we had an archery thing?"

"Good idea!" EX said as he made a square for the archery place.

X waited for his brother to finish the sketch so he can check it out.

"Finished!" EX said excitedly and turned the sketchbook to X, "Do you like it?"

"I do!" X smiled.

". . . Should we go home..?"

"Brother, didn't you remember what they said to you?"

"I know X.. but it's getting cold."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you!"

*Start of another flashback*
(X and EX are now 16)
(X is still not a hybrid *yet* and still no armour or helmet)

"Brother?" EX said as he walked into the living room area in the treehouse.

"Yeah brother?"

"Can you go get some more food for us?"

"What if we both go? We don't have to worry about anything, we haven't seen anybody for years."

"Yeah, ok. Let's go." EX started to climb down the ladder along with X.


X jumped from the ladder and landed with a think from his boots.
"What chu' thinking for lunch?"

"Maybe steak?"

X smiled, ruffling his hair as him and EX walked around looking for some cows.

*crossbow loading sound*


"BROTHER?!" X yelled and shoved his brother behind a tree before a figure with a crossbow finally launched the arrow.


*crossbow loading sound*

"Remember brother.. don't worry, I'll protect you!"

Forgive and Forget. - Xisuma & EX book - HermitcraftWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt