Trap Finishing! • Chapter 7

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  Doc POV

I returned back to X's base along with Pearl and Mumbo following close by

"So we're finishing the trap before they get back?" Mumbo asked, now being unsure if he wants to continue this plan.

"Yes Mumbo we're finishing it up. Pearl can you uncover the trap?"

"Will do Doc!" Pearl walked off to destroy the blocks that she hid the trap with.

"Doc? Are you sure you want to go through with this plan?"

"Yup, 100% sure Mumbo." I smiled at him.

"Alright.. I'll work on the pit that's at the bottom.." Mumbo mumbled before waking over to where Pearl was and hopped down the trap.

"Pearl, do you mind testing the redstone?"

"But Doc- Mumbo is down there, he will be trapped."

"Ok? Point is?"

"Mumbo is good with redstone, we need him!"

"So I'm not good with redstone. Thanks for telling me Pearl. Now test the redstone please."

"I don't mean that you're bad with redstone- DOC DON'T LEAVE!" Pearl called out as I started to walk away.

I stood outside of X's base, looking up at the sky.
'I have a feeling X isn't telling us something.' I thought before looking back at where Pearl should've been.

"Pearl? Mumbo?" I walked over to the trap and called down into it

"STILL DOWN HERE!" I heard Mumbo call up

"Is Pearl down there!?"

"YUP." Mumbo yelled

I heard fireworks going off then a Mumbo slamming into the roof and falling onto the ground.

"Well hello there."


Mumbo stood up, "The trap is finished."

"Awesome job. Where is Pearl?"

"Uhh.." Mumbo looked down the hole, "PEARL COME UP NOW!"

Fireworks could be heard going off once again and then Pearl swiftly and smoothly landed on the ground, unlike Mumbo.

"Is X here yet?"

"Don't think so." I whispered, thinking about where he could be.

"Is this only for Evil X?"

"Maybe, Pearl. But I feel like X is hiding something from all of us."

"Doc, there is a thing called 'personal information' don't know if you heard of it."

"Mumbo I in fact heard of it."

"Then why don't you let him have it?"

"Because, I feel like we hermits should know a bunch about each other."

"Well, since everything is done here. I'll be leaving." Mumbo fixed his suit before flying out of the base.

"I should also be going... bye Doc?" Pearl ran and flew out of the base.

"What am I going to do?" I mumbled before just going to check out X's base.

*Snazzy lil time skip*

Doc walked into X's room.
"Wonder what he has in here."

He started to look around the room, opening drawers and whatever. "Oooo... what is this?"
He held up a photo that was of younger X and Evil X and two weird blacked out figures behind them. One of the figures seemed to have wings but the other seemed to have horns that resemble the warden's.

"Family photo..?" I was confused at the figures as they had no colour to them but X did and Evil X.

Doc continued to look at the photo.

He shrugged and placed the photo back onto the top of the side table.

Doc held onto his head as he suddenly got a huge headache, "God.." I mumbled.

Doc walked out of the room and flew out of the base, still having the headache.

*Another time skip*
                 (help, ideas for Doc are vanishing)

Doc landed at his base and walked inside. 'Why hasn't the headache gone away yet? Also why so suddenly did I get one?' Doc just thought as he walked into his room and just sat at a desk.

"Who were those people?"

"I don't know"

"What the hell- WHO ARE YOU?" Doc turned to face a shadow figure.

"Well, I seen that you were looking at my photo."


"Nope. I'm ⊣ꖎ╎↸."

"Didn't understand that."

"Oh well, say Doc. Why were you looking at my photo?"

"I don't know. Are you the ones with the horns?"


"Wings? The one with the wings?" Doc just stared at the figure, trying to tell out details of them.

"Yes, I'm the one with the wings. I listen and listen to X's problems. Some days he can never stop."

"Are you like a stalker-?"

"No, no, no. I'm a L ̣ !"

"Didn't catch that.."

On the figures 'face' a white mask appeared with a lime symbol that looked like a swirl.

"I hear someone talking about you."


"Hmmm... let me see..." The figure stayed quiet for a moment, "PearlescentMoon"

"Pearl? Why would she talk about me?"

"She is saying stuff to a person named... Mumbo.. and a second one named-" The figure stopped talking.

"Uhh you alright there? Random figure?"

"Grian... Xelqua is here?"

"Yes, Grian is a member but who is Xelqua?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"No...?" I replied, unsure what to do.


"Wait, wait, wait- HOW DID YOU EVEN GET INTO MY BASE?"

"Well Docm77. That's not important."

"Well I feel like it is important if someone broke into my base."

"I will be off now." Before Doc said a word the figure vanished, leaving lime smoke in the air for a few seconds.

"That was- weird. Im going to bed now." Doc walked over to his bed and face planted into a pillow.

End of chapter 7.
Published on: Saturday, November 5.
Checked over: ✅
Word count: 899

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