Xanthus • Chapter 15

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I sat off in a corner, slightly hearing the thunder.



"Come on! Act scared or something."

"Oh sorry- hang on so that again."




"AHHHH!" I 'screamed'

"Awesome! Anyways hello EX."

"Have we spoken before?"

". . ."

"Nevermind... hello random thing."

The being with a lime and white mask sat on the floor next to me.

"How's it going."


". . Great answer..."
"Your name is boring also."


"Can I give a better name?"

I looked around for where the voice came from. Sounded like it came from the green being?

"I have a better name! Want to hear it?"


"Ok! So the name is Xanthus or! Phobos, the greek god of fear!"

"I like Xanthus but I don't think Phobos matches me as uh.."

"Right, right.. Moros? Greek god of evil?"

"Something that starts with a X maybe?"


*awkward silence*

"Actually. You're fine with the name Xanthus as that is a name of a son from a god."

"Ohh.. ok. Why are you here?" I look up to stare the figure in the.. mask?

"Honestly I don't know. Xisuma is off somewhere doing whatever he does while at the t-..... nevermind that!"

"I need sleep."

"You actually sleep?"


"Why can't you have drama like Xisuma."

"I don't know?"

The being with the mask vanished.

"What was that about?" EX or Xanthus? Shrugged and stood up from the corner, walking over to the bed.

"Goodnight boring world." And with that EX just fell onto the bed.

End of chapter 15.
Published on: Thursday, December 29.
Checked over: ✅
Word count: 254

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