Welcome! • Chapter 5

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I heard people landing inside of X's base. I was confused why it sounded like multiple people were talking an walking around. None of them sounded like X.

I slowly went to the door to hear what they were saying.

"Are you sure that this will work?" A voice said, I couldn't tell who the voice was owned by.

"It will work, you know that EX isn't that smart."
Oh so they were taking about me.

"How long do you think X would be out?" A feminine voice said.

"Probably like... around 25 minutes I will be guessing."

"So we have 25 minutes to set this up? And what if X walks in on us making it?"

"Then we just hide it."

"I will start making the tunnel to bedrock."

I shuffled away from the door just as I heard footsteps coming closer to the room.


I started to panic 'Shit shit shit shit' I looked around the room. 'They can open the door. The lock is on the outside.' I thought as I heard a lock being picked.

'Where to hide...? X doesn't have a lot of stuff in his room,' I looked at X's bed, 'Would it be obvious?'

I sighed and dropped to the floor and crawled under X's bed. 'This sucks' I huffed as it hurt a bit as I laid my head in a awkward position as my helmet was a bit too big for being under the bed.

I finally heard the door open and a lock drop to the floor. "No one is in here Doc. Are you sure that EX was in this room?"

"Yes, why would Suma not let me by the door if he wasn't hiding something."

I heard two set of footsteps walk into the room.

"Maybe because of his private stuff?" EX awkwardly shifted around as he heard someone walk over to the table beside the bed

"I mean all he has are these tiny chips." I'm guessing that they were looking at microchips that X had on his bed-side table.

"Uh guys I think X is back." Another voice said.

"Did you hide the trap?"

I heard running and then it was just silence.

"What are you doing in my room?" I heard my brother's voice

"Well we were just checking out stuff."

"Pearl. Tell me why you guys are in my base in MY ROOM."

"Well... Doc wanted to-"

"I wanted to do nothing." The 'Doc' person said.

"Out. Now." I could hear X saying.

"What if we don't?"

"Doc. I think we should just go."

"And then what Mumbo."

"We can do something else." 'Mumbo' said.

I shuffled out from under the bed and to see Doc, Pearl and Mumbo? All standing at the doorframe with a angry Xisumavoid standing there also.

"Leave before I do something you three won't like." X said, lowering his voice.

"Alright X, Mumbo and I will be going!" Pearl grabbed Mumbo's arm and dragged him out of there.


"Yes X."


"No can do."


A loud thump was made as X punched Doc in the face and he fell onto the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL X!?" Doc stood up, wiping himself off.

"I said leave." I looked down at X's hand to see it still in a fist.

'God dam X is gonna knock this 'Doc' person out-' I thought as I was still sitting on the floor, beside the bed just watching this.

"Fine X have it your way." Doc shoved X and started to walk away, most likely out of the base.

X walked into the room and shut the door. "EX? Are you there?" He mumbled before he took off his helmet.

"Yes X I'm here." I stood up from the floor. "Do you need something?"

"Mhm." X just walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Wha- why?" I moved my head to the side.

"I'm sorry EX, I didn't want to lock you in my room but I didn't know what to do. They already all know about you here." X said as he held me closer, almost like he was scared I was going to disappear.

"I'll be fine X." I pat my brother on the head. "I know you will do anything to protect me, I also forgive you."

"Can we still hug? I miss hugging you before- you know, I sent you to the void.."

"Sure we can still hug but can you promise me something?"


"Never send me back to the void unless needed to." I chuckled a bit.

"I promise EX."

End of chapter 5.
Published on: Thursday, September 22.
Checked over: ✅
Word count: 780

Forgive and Forget. - Xisuma & EX book - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now