Fears + Water • Chapter 18

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(Warning: Swearing)


I watched as my brother was panicking. I was confused as all I did was just play music, I mean it was going to be hard for me to listen to cause of me.. well- being deaf.

"X? Brother?" I walked closer to him, just to hear him muttering stuff like, 'turn it off', 'too loud', 'please I'll be good', 'it hurts'.

I walked over to the music and flicked it off, the disc popping back up and laid on the jukebox.

I slowly went over to X and kneeled down next to him.

I saw something..
X had sharp claws, covered with blood.
His face was dripping blood.

"Brother. I need you to focus on me." I held X's hands as not to scratch himself more but I think that set him off more as then-


I sat on the ground, the visor of my helmet had been torn apart. I could still hear though so that's good.

I look around to see X sitting in a corner, shaking while 'looking' at me.

"Stop it.. please.."  X whispered

"Brother..? X, I need you to calm down." I said while walking slowly to him.

"No, no no no no.. I can't... get away from me." X hissed as he brought his feet up to try to kick me.

"Need space?"

X let out a low hiss.

I nodded and walked away, turning back to see X starting to relax and the claws on him disappear.
'Brother what did you have to go through..'

I walked out of the room and climbed down the treehouse.

"How will I help him?!"

"Help who?"

I whip around to see Hels standing there.
"What the shit do you want."

"Nothing, but why is... why do you look like you just gotten beaten up."

"What do you mean?"

"Your visor, the helmet?"
"What's with the blood also?"

"Blood, where?"

"Your arm."

I looked down at my arm, there was blood, not my blood though, it was my brother's.
"Oh.. that... uhh.."

"Did you kill someone~" Hels smirked

"Fuck off, and no, I didn't kill anyone. Yet."

"Oooo~ planning on killing someone?"

"It may be you if you don't leave." I lowered my voice whilst staring daggers at Hels.

"Oh my god!! I feel so threatened! What will I ever do!" Hels said dramatically while putting his hand on his forehead.

I stared blankly at him.
'I want to break his arm so badly.'

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