YOOO LAVA LAMP • Chapter 13

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X and I were just walking around as I didn't want to stay in the base or near anyone else. We also somehow ended up in a plains.



"Is there any other shops that aren't around there other.. hermits?"

"I don't know." X shrugged.

"Could we head back to the district to find something?"

"I mean, sure but to you want a disguise?"

"Yeah! It's better than being hunted down by people who hate you."

"Alright let's go." X held out his arms out for me.

"Thought we were going to walk back?"

"Flying is faster."

"That's true.. alright!"

I walked up to X and stood in front of him so he can grab onto me and we can fly.



X hooked his arms under my armpits and shot off a firework, taking us both into the air.

"I still can't get use to flying like this."

"Mhm. Also brother can you figure out which way we're going?"

"Uhh.." I grabbed X's communicator which was hanging down from his belt, "we're going south which is good because we went north!"

"Thank you brother, can you hold onto the communicator?"

"Will do!"
I smiled under my helmet and just messed around with the communicator, figuring out how to access the chat.

"What are you doing?"



"Fine.. I figured out how to change the chat colour."

"Good job, also I'll make you a communicator for yourself."

"REALLY!" I shouted and put my arms up

"Ow my ears and stop moving before I drop you!"

"Sorry sorry."

X let out a sigh.

"How many more blocks?"

"Uhh.. it says 200 blocks until we're at the base."

"Good good." X let off another firework, launching us higher into the air.

"Weee!" I giggled.


X landed inside of the base and dropped me.

"I'll go get the disguise."


X walked off into his room.

'Wonder what I'll get.' I thought.


"Oh! Sorry I was thinking."

"That's fine, I got you the disguise." X held out a bee outfit.
"I was suppose to wear this for this season but I didn't.

I took the outfit from X and skipped off to his room as he still hasn't made me one yet.

"He acts like a child" X whispered before sitting down on the floor.

*few moments laterr*

"X! I'm done!"

Forgive and Forget. - Xisuma & EX book - Hermitcraftजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें