Treehouse! 2/2 • Chapter 17

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EX woke up from having a wonderful nap. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room then look at the bedside table, his helmet wasn't there.


EX got out of bed to check if the helmet fell somewhere. "Don't tell me I have to wear the bee suit again."

EX groaned and went to get the bee suit along with the bee helmet.

EX put on the bee suit then put on the helmet. "X? Brother!?" He called out as he was walking through the base.

"Brother! Where are youuuu?"

"At the treehouse."


"Your brother is at the treehouse." A figure appeared wearing a lime and white mask.

"How would youuu know that?"

"Because we both watched him."


"The voice in your head is a real person, but they can't speak english without being in someone's head."

"Just bring me to the treehouse, I'm not going to walk all that way."

"What if we make you walk?"

'Then I would hate you.'

"It is settled. You will walk."

"God, fine."
EX walked to the edge of the tower and tried to fly, but before he did he looked back. The figure was gone.
'You left no sound...' EX thought and waited to see if the voice was still there.

He shrugged and jumped off of the tower, opening his elytra and slowly glided as he had no fireworks.

Soon as he landed on the ground he started his walk to the old treehouse.


EX was finally able to see the treehouse but he couldn't seem to see his brother yet.

So, EX climbed up the ladder and went into the treehouse

"X?" He walked around before walking to their room, "X?"



"How- why did you find me?"

"You know I can't live without my brother."

"You did for all those years.."

"That was because of the lab."

"But after that... I left you!"

"I don't blame you, I would've done the same." EX walked over to his brother and pulled him into a hug, "you also couldn't do anything."

"But I should have tried to find you! It was all my faul-"

"SHHHHHH" EX held his hand over X's mouth as his helmet was off. "Even with me being deaf you're still so damn loud."

X just stared at his brother before shaking his head to get his brother's hand off of his mouth so he can complain.
"Why would you do tha-"

EX covered his mouth again. "SHUSH."



X grabbed his brother's hand. "I SAID I COULDN'T BREATHE."



"WHY ARE WE YELLING AGAIN?" EX just stared at his brother

"I don't know." X shrugged



"Soooo... what now?"

"I don't know but EX why are you here again?"

"Uh... that—that's something I don't know."


"Aye! Rude."
"Why are you here?"

X let out a loud sigh, "Because I don't want the hermits to worry about me or be suspicious of me, so, if I just disappear they have nothing to worry about."

"That's a dumb reason. If you disappear they will worry more! Don't you know that? Even I know that and I have been living in the void for a few.. y-years? Months, I don't know, but I have been in the void for a while."

"Maybe you're right."


X covered his ears as they started to hurt

"I'm sorry X." EX wrapped his arms around X, "but you should go back. You can at least just stay in your base, no one would bother you."

"I will go back in a few days, ok?"

"That's good enough for me."

End of chapter 17.
Published on: Sunday, April 16.
Checked over: ❌
Word count: 615

Forgive and Forget. - Xisuma & EX book - Hermitcraftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن