Well, well-? • Chapter 9

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Pearl POV

I groaned as my communicator was pinging like crazy, "I just want to sleep." I yawned and went to grab my communicator.

"Huh..? It's in the group with Mumbo and Doc." I opened the chat, looking at the messages.

Totally not suspicious plan trio
<Docm77> Hello.
<Docm77> Hello..?
<Docm77> Hello?
<Mumbo> Yes Doc? You woke me up.
<Docm77> Yeah sorry 'bout that, but the trap worked.
<Mumbo> So he is trapped?
<Docm77> Yup.
<Mumbo> Also is Pearl awake?
<Pearlescentmoon> Yup I'm here.
<Mumbo> Could I do something rq.
<Docm77> Sure.
<Pearlescentmoon> Yeah.

<Mumbo has renamed Pearlescentmoon to PearlCENTmoon>

<PearlCENTmoon> Why Mumbo.
<Mumbo> You said I could.

<Docm77 has renamed Mumbo to <OffbrandMoustache>
<Docm77 has renamed PearlCENTmoon to Pearl>

<Pearl> Thanks Doc :)
<OffbrandMoustache> This is unfair.
<Docm77> Just come to the trap, we have to figure out what to do with Evil X
<Pearl> On it!

I turned off my communicator before going to change as I'm not just going to wear my PJs


I pick up my communicator and flew off, heading to X's base.

"My fancy entrance!" I dove down to the area under X's base that held Evil X.

"Morning Pearl." Doc smiled at me, "Mumbo should be coming soon."


"Oh wowie, it's a wild Mumbo."

"Hi guys." Mumbo stood up and wiped himself off.

"Morning Mumbo" Doc yawned, clearly tired.

"Doc I have a question." I turned to face him.


"How many hours did you get for sleep?"

"Bold of you to assume I even got an hour of sleep."


"Anyways Mumbo, Pearl. Follow me to the room with EX."

Doc walked off with Mumbo following him. 'Starting to regret my decision.' I thought before walking after them both.

We walked into a room that had one-way glass?

"Doc.. shouldn't he have some light?"
I stared at EX that was curled up in a corner of the obsidian box he was in.

"He's use to it."

"Doc, wouldn't that give him memories?" Mumbo walked up to the glass, tapping it.

I walked up beside Mumbo.

Doc shortly after walked up beside me.

"I feel bad.." Mumbo whispered.

"Mumbo. Don't feel bad, EX deserves this."

"I know but like."

I stood awkwardly between them, staring at EX.

EX started to shuffle.

I tapped the glass, hoping to catch EX's attention.


"Yes Doc."

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know."

"Alright. Mumbo, could you get some redstone for us? We're gonna somehow trap X also."

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