Suspicion 1/2 • Chapter 3

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Xisuma POV

I felt kinda bad by locking EX in my room but it's for the best. No would be able to find him, I think.

I pulled out my communicator. "Server meeting. Now" I typed in chat then put the communicator away not wanting to listen to the communicator read out messages.

*Few casual seconds later*

I was sat down on the ground as everybody started to show up.

"Suma?" Someone called.

"Sumaaaaa" Another voice said.

"SUMA!" Doc yelled in my ear, finally making me look up.

"What." I spoke lowly to Doc.

"Xisuma can you go somewhere else? This is... kinda just a meeting. But... without you."

"But why can't I be here? I am the admin."

"Yeah but that's the thing Xisuma." Doc mumbled "I don't want you here, thank you for getting everybody here but. Can you just go."

I stood up and wiped my armour off. "I see. I will go as I'm not wanted here."
And with that, I flew away. Doc made my ears hurt as he YELLED in them, but that's fine. Just a headache. 'Where am I going again?' I thought as I was just flying and just casually zoning in and out. Probably not the best thing to do while flying.

I slowly landed then found a tree for me to just sleep under. I'm tired of this.

With that Xisuma fell asleep. (Not really though cuz like-)

End of chapter 3.
Made: Monday, August 29.
Checked over: ✅
Word count: 233
(Sorry for another shorter chapter. I just wanted to get something out for you guys. Next one will be longer)

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