Chapter 1

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Heyyyy, so basically I wrote the first few chapters to this a long long looooonngggg time ago, almost as long as my schlong thats how long ago it was. So recently, it was my favourite bestie's birthday (16th birthday to be exact) and since we all know that the 16th birthday is a very special occasion and I sadly couldn't gift her a rose quartz cave where her mother couldn't see, I gift her this masterpiece since she loves Jegulus. She's the wolf to my star, the jeg to my ulus, the k to my lance, the dra to my rry, and the sol to my angelo. I hope you enjoy this Horace (yes thats her name), and I hope this makes up for the lack of rose quartz cave during this very special time <3 ;)

Also just to explain, they can use magic outside of school (only very little/simple magic) if they're in a wizarding area like their homes or something like that because the ministry can't detect who exactly cast the spell if it's in the home of a wizarding family with parents who do magic too. I hope this makes sense.


~Regulus' POV~

I had to go.

Had to leave.

Sirius had done it last year when he was 14, surely I can do it too. I will.

Well it's too late to turn back now, all my necessary things have been packed into my trunk. My long black strands of hair are in a pile on the floor near my mirror. I'm leaving, so I might as well do whatever I want, there's no going back now. Now it's just the issue of sneaking out. The tree outside my window looks relatively sturdy, so my best chances for getting out of this hell hole of a house is by climbing out the window and down the tree. Casting a Reducio on my trunk and fitting it into the pocket of my trousers, I check my bedroom door is locked before opening the window.

After Sirius ran away, he left a lot of his old clothes that were too small or didn't fit his style anymore. At least I could wear those when mother and father weren't around. They would never let me wear trousers in the presence of anyone else.

It wasn't too hard to climb down from the tree, but the cold winter air bit at me as I was finally free. It felt nice. My quidditch jumper keeps me protected from frostbite as I make my way down the street. I don't really know where the Potters and my brother live exactly, but I know it's in a town about an hour away from London, even longer by foot, and that it's mainly a muggle town, so I should be able to pick up on the magical aura around their house once I arrive in the town. But now I face the issue of how I'm actually going to get there in the first place.

Raising my wand to cast a beginner healing charm on my left hand where mother had sent a stinging jinx at it no less than an hour ago, and suddenly, I was being blinded by a flash of light. Looking up, there was a blue bus in front of me. Not a normal looking one though, it was three stories high, and skinnier than a muggle bus.

I had no idea how or why this just appeared here, but it was my best chance of getting out of here as quickly as possible.

Half an hour later, I was dropped off in the centre of the town. By now it was probably about 12:30am and it was quiet. A few houses had their lights on inside, but the rest could have been a ghost town. I guess this is what it's like, not living in busy London. It's eerie but nice, in a relaxing way.

Another half hour later, my legs were about to give in. It was one in the morning, freezing cold on Christmas day, and I hadn't eaten for hours. My quidditch jumper not doing much now to protect me from the cold, since all the snowflakes on it had melted and I was now in a partially soggy, cold jumper. The stupid high-heel dress shoes that mother got for me had given up on me about twenty minutes ago when the strap broke, not used to having to be worn in such rough conditions, usually only worn inside at dinner parties or of course when mother and father insist that I look proper, even when just walking around the house. They're one of the only pairs I have, the others not suitable enough for these conditions.

Cosmic Stardust - JegulusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon