Chapter 9

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I hope everyone enjoys this little Christmas present chapter!! If you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope you're still having a lovely holiday celebrating whatever your family celebrates!! <3

Just a quick warning : this chapter is mainly just fluff buuuutttt there is underage drinking in it and also a short mention of Max from the previous chapter but I put little warning signs before and after that part so you can look out for those and skip that part if you want :)) Theres also some dysphoria and stuff but thats mainly towards the end and I don't think it's tooooo upsetting but yea, just be careful if you know you might be sensitive to that stuff :)

Enjoy!! <3


A week into the holidays, Fleamont and Euphemia took the three of us shopping. They said it was so I could get stuff to decorate my room with since right now it still isn't personalised with my things and it would probably feel more home-like if it was. I wanted to refuse, but they insisted. They said that if James and Sirius could decorate their rooms, why couldn't I? I tried to argue that I didn't need decorations but they told me to be quiet and find some posters or something.

Sirius and James helped me find some stuff, and a week later, my room looked like my room.

The walls were painted grey and I had posters up. Some had star charts and moon phases as well as planet diagrams, others had crystal balls on them and other divination related things. What? I like divination.

My bedsheets were black, James complained that it was too depressing and charmed little white constellations onto them, using the little magic they were allowed to use outside of school, while Sirius called me emo again. I ignored them. The bookshelf that was empty before had my school books on it and my copy of Pride and Prejudice. Sirius said that on my birthday, June 29th, I could get some more books if I wanted to. I obviously said yes and thanked him. It was in a few days, so I was looking forward to that.

My wardrobe had my clothes and uniform in it, though I was tempted to throw those green crested clothes in the bin when I was tidying the room.

I also got a few posters about the justice for house elves and also a few about how women should have equal rights as men. Sirius called me a woman hating feminist and I kicked him in the balls. It's not like he'll need them to have kids when he eventually gets with Lupin.

James gave me a high five for that one.

Speaking of physical touch, I haven't really let anyone touch me much since school ended. The thing with Max really messed me up. I hate touching myself in some places even. I don't think I'll ever kiss anyone again, not that I really properly enjoyed it anyways. Maybe it was the person I was kissing, or maybe it was me, but after a while I realised it wasn't something that made me feel good like it was apparently supposed to. Especially not the touching. Just the thought of going further than kissing made me want to be sick. Does that make me weird? I thought teenagers were supposed to want that type of stuff? I guess not me. Not right now at least.

Something that sucks about being an over thinker about this type of stuff is knowing that other people do it. And by 'other people' that means people I know. That's just gross to think about. Like, Sirius and James are literally a wall away from me and could be doing something gross and I wouldn't even know about it. Not that I'd want to know. Ew. But yeah. How do parents live, knowing their teenage children are doing that kind of stuff in the same house as them? I surely wouldn't be able to. Maybe that's why our parents tortured Sirius and I, so we'd run away before we started doing that stuff. I obviously haven't, but I'm not sure about Sirius. Actually- I don't really wanna think about that. One thing's for certain though, I'm never having kids.

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