Chapter 3

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Angst warning lol!

**Please read with caution as this chapter has intentional misgendering and deadnaming in it :( I promise this fic is going to be happier but it wouldn't be a Jegulus/Marauders Era fic without some angst so yeah, you're just going to have to endure the sad stuff before moving on to the fun fun parts :)) Don't worry, it's not so horribly sad because otherwise I wouldn't have written it since I HATE angst <3**


"Hey, can we talk?" I hear Sirius from the other side of the guest bedroom door.

"Uh, sure," I say, sitting up in bed and putting my book to the side.

Sirius walks in, he has some pyjama pants on with a jumper that I saw him wearing the other day. It looks a bit like our uncle Alphard would wear, and he only wears old people's clothes. He's my favourite relative besides Sirius. Narcissa is nice too, but her family is pretty strict and I don't know if she'll still be nice to me once we go back to school. She's in her last year at Hogwarts so at least if she hates me I won't have to see her again. Probably. I'd hope not though, she's the most fun at the stupid events our parents force us to go to.

Point is, he was wearing grandad-clothes and it was hilarious. When did he even buy that?

"Where did you get that?" I asked, a playful look of judgement on my face.

"Um it's Moony's. He let me borrow it for the holidays." Sirius mumbled, his face going bright red.

"Oh yes, Moony, your 'friend' who you send heart eyes at during the feasts and who lends you his jumpers during winter," I smirked, teasing.

"Oh shut up!" He rolled his eyes, pretending to be unamused to hide his embarrassment.

"Says you! I could say the same about you and that Pandora girl who you're always with." Sirius jabbed back, crossing his arms sassily.

That sort of made me feel a bit sick. Not because of Pandora, no, I really like her, she's my best friend at school, but we don't hang out much since Pandora told people she likes girls as well as boys and now everyone calls us 'lesbians' whenever we hang out, and if either of our parents found out, we'd be dead. Of course we aren't lesbian for each other, that wouldn't even make sense, but it's just annoying so we tend to hang out in more private areas of the school or when more people aren't around. Good thing we share a dorm so we at least see each other in the mornings and at night and we share a few classes.

People at school aren't particularly mean about gay people and stuff, I mean there are a few bullies, but most people just don't really get it and try not to talk about it because they don't know much about it, but it kind of gives off the impression that they don't support it. If they supported it, then they'd at least bother to educate themselves on it. That's why I can never ever ever tell anyone besides Sirius.

Anyway, the point is, I don't like Pandora like that. She's my best friend, and only my best friend.

"So you've heard the rumours too," I rolled my eyes, I can't believe he's dumb enough to believe those stupid lies. "Yeah, well, I think everyone has." He shrugged as if it was no big deal. "Thanks. That makes me feel loads better." I sighed, closing my eyes for a second to collect myself.

"What did you come in here for?" I then asked as I watched Sirius just awkwardly stand by my bed. "Can I sit?" He asked and I responded with the classic, "I don't know, can you?". He flipped me off before flopping down on the comfy bed heavily.


"So... I was wondering if you wanted to talk now. About... why you're here. I mean I know it's obvious, but tell me about the details." He said, a lot quieter this time. It was awkward for both of us, talking about our dysfunctional family, but we'd both go crazy at some point if we didn't talk to each other about it.

Cosmic Stardust - JegulusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin