Chapter 2

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**Sorry about any typos I might have missed ;P**

TW : This chapter also includes very brief mentions of past abuse in the Black family (punishments and the PTSD from that, the lack of care for the kids, and a very very minor mention of restricted eating in the past but nothing explicit) Please read with caution if these things might upset you <3


The first week at the Potter's was a bit weird. They all treated me like I was a fragile piece of china that was on the verge of shattering. I guess I kind of felt a little fragile sometimes, but I honestly felt better than I have in years, knowing that I'm with Sirius and with people that Sirius trusts.

Some things that are different besides the obvious genuine love that goes on in this house; it's always nice and warm despite the snow outside, the curtains are always open, people talk to each other, there are no house elves, we are allowed to go in the garden, we are allowed to go out into the muggle town, we are allowed to make our own food whenever we want, we aren't forced to spend hours each day studying, people actually smile, we don't have to wake up at the same time every morning, there's chocolate, lots of it, and you can talk as loud as you want and eat as much as you want. Not to mention the meals are always filled with talking and laughing, the total opposite to when we would eat in silence at home, even sometimes eating separately because there's no point eating together aside from the practice of tradition. Here, they eat together because they want to, not because they have to.

It's a little awkward because I feel as though I'm intruding. I'm not part of this family, I'm an anomaly in this family of four. My brother is my brother but he's also James' brother and Euphemia (James' mum) and Fleamont (James' dad) are also Sirius' parents but they aren't mine? It's confusing.

They don't treat me different to Sirius, they include me in family games, dinners, lunches, they even make me cups of tea when Fleamont reads his newspaper in the mornings and Sirius and James look like they spent all night partying, hair messy as well as their uncoordinated pyjamas, not bothering to put themselves together at all. They got me a last minute Christmas present for Merlin's sake, it was a practice golden snitch because apparently James and Sirius told Euphemia and Fleamont that I'm 'the best seeker they've ever seen'. I just rolled my eyes when Sirius told me the story, but smiled nonetheless. We don't celebrate Christmas at home. The first time I celebrated Christmas was in my first year at Hogwarts, but this was the first time I had received a present from anyone. I threatened to kill Sirius if he told anyone that the practice snitch was my most prized possession now.

The only difference in the way they treat me is that Euphemia talks to me a lot more than she does to Sirius. Maybe she talked to him a lot when he first came here, maybe she still does, I just don't see it. I'm not sure, but it's either because I'm younger than the other two and I just ran away from home, or because to them, I'm the only girl out of the three kids. It would make sense if that was the case, Euphemia is a woman, therefore she'd probably get along with a girl better than Fleamont or even the other two boys. Except I'm not a girl, and I'm very much more than comfortable being around the other boys as much as I am with Euphemia. Not that I'm terribly comfortable anywhere, but at least I'm more comfortable here than I was at my own house. That's a bit weird. I think.

It kind of annoys me, not to mention how Sirius keeps making me nervous. I know he would never tell anyone anything I didn't allow him to tell them in regards to me, but sometimes, when the Potters refer to me femininely, he gives me this look, and he's not very discreet while doing it. He also has almost said my name to them by accident when referring to me, but he usually just brushes it off with a cough. So far, I don't think the Potters have noticed, but I doubt it will stay secret for long if Sirius keeps this up.

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