Chapter 6

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Going to Hogwarts!! YAY!!


It was disgusting how early we had to wake up to get on the train. I somehow always forget that it leaves at eleven in the morning and not to mention it takes like an hour and a half to get there from James' house so we have to leave his house at about nine to make it with time to spare but we need to get ready before that so we are getting up at seven. To be fair, it's not too early, but after three weeks of waking up at ten in the morning, it felt really early.

Luckily, unlike my brother and James, I was smart and packed everything the night before. That meant I could lie in a bit more. Whereas they were running around trying to find lost ties and old holiday homework that they definitely did and totally didn't just get rid of as soon as they left the school gates in December.

"Regulus! Get up!" Sirius whisper-shouted as he marched around the guest room. I was already dressed and ready to go, but I was too tired to stand up so I was lying down on the bed, eyes closed. I couldn't wait for the train ride, I'd been saving my new book so that I could read it on the train to cure my boredom for a few hours.

"I'm up!" I said, startled by his rambunctious movements.

"What're you doing?" I asked, rubbing my face with my palm to wake myself up.

"Looking for my homework." He sighed loudly, opening the bedside table drawers.

"You didn't do it, dummy," I said with a yawn and he stopped moving all together.

"Oh yeah." He said as if he just realised. "Oh, Minnie will love this," I could see the smirk forming on his face before he seemed to remember he wasn't finished packing so he ran out of the room again.

Ten minutes later, we were all downstairs at the kitchen table, James and Sirius stuffing their faces with that rainbow cereal, I prefer the name leprechaun carcass. I was too tired to be hungry so I just took a green apple and promised Euphemia and Fleamont that I'd eat it at some point on the Hogwarts Express.

They held up their wands to the road when we were all ready, and the same bus I'd seen earlier this holiday showed up. I found out it's like the muggle transportation but for witches and wizards.

The five of us got on and there were a few other kids from school on there, only two or three and I didn't recognise any of them. None of us were in uniform yet so I couldn't even tell which house they were in.

Within ten minutes we had arrived at Kings Cross Station in London and I had no idea why we had to get up so early if it was only going to take up to ten minutes to get there. Oh well.

We went through the barrier and onto the platform. It was barely ten fifteen but students were already boarding the giant train.

I was about to just say 'goodbye and thanks for having me' to Fleamont and Euphemia before boarding the train myself like I do every year since mother and father usually don't bother to stick around once we arrive at the station. But when I turned around to do so, I saw one of them hugging James and the other hugging Sirius. It kind of made this pulling feeling in my stomach. But I ignored it.

I just waited until they were done hugging before going up to them. "Thank you so much for having me, I'm so incredibly grateful." I said and was surprised when they both pulled me into a hug. Usually I would be extremely uncomfortable in this situation, but something about it being Euphemia and Fleamont, made me feel a little more at ease.

"It was lovely to have you, and we hope to see you this summer, right?" Euphemia said as she looked up at James and Sirius who both nodded.

"Thanks," I said because I didn't want to make any empty promises.

Cosmic Stardust - Jegulusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें