Chapter 12

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TW: Small mention of what Max did to Regulus (not explicit)

Also jegulus moment?? hehe >:)


I decided I didn't like Dumbledore when Euphemia and Fleamont sat me down at the kitchen table to tell me that they technically couldn't expel Max without actual evidence.

How was my memories not enough evidence? Why would anyone make up something like that?

I was angry, and a little scared. It's not like I'd let Dumbledore of all people look through my memories anyways. I'm not even sure if he'd be able to since our parents drilled occlumency into Sirius and I from a really young age and I've never tried to open my mind since then. Since I told Sirius, I had assumed I wouldn't have to see Max when school resumes. I had my hopes up for almost two weeks, and now, if I couldn't find any evidence of it actually happening, he'd be returning to school at the same time as me in three weeks.

He'd know that I told someone about what happened. I didn't want to think about what he might do to me because of that.

The next two days, I spent trying to think of some sort of evidence of what happened. Sirius tried to help by making me talk through my whole relationship with Max, from when we first became friends until the last time I saw him.

All I could think of was that I could ask Pandora to tell Dumbledore that I seemed pretty unhappy after the first month or two of meeting him. But I wasn't sure if that was enough. They could just see that as a bad friendship. Not... what actually happened.

At one point I sort of started to give up. It's not like it wasn't my fault. I was trying to find evidence to kick someone out of school when it was mainly my fault. I felt kind of bad about that, even if he did some bad things to me.

Sirius told me that I couldn't give up because otherwise it might happen again to someone else, or to me. He kept saying it wasn't my fault, but I wasn't fully convinced.

I decided not to give up, because I didn't want anyone else to have to go through that, and I didn't particularly want to go through it again myself.

It took a few days, but I eventually thought of something. It was late on a Sunday afternoon. Euphemia said it was important that boys learned household jobs because there was far too much mistreatment towards women, always getting the girls in the house to do all the stuff like cooking and cleaning. In order for us to learn, she created a system where we'd each have a job to do, and each day it would rotate, so we could learn a new thing each day.

Today I was supposed to be doing the laundry which includes changing bed sheets and restocking towels and stuff. James was cleaning the plates and cutlery today. Sirius was supposed to be making dinner. I wasn't too excited for dinner since Sirius is crap at cooking, but Fleamont is helping him so hopefully it won't be that terrible.

I was taking all the whites out of the washing machine, like Euphemia taught us to do, when some clothes fell out of my hands. They were still a little damp and I was supposed to be hanging them up, so I quickly grabbed them.

One of the pieces that had fallen on the floor was one of my bras. Lovely. I'd still been wearing them sometimes because I didn't wear the binder at night, and I didn't want to be walking around the house without at least something covering my chest.

I knew it was mine because mine were all just plain white. Euphemia's had lace on them and were colourful. I didn't see why anyone would want one like that. It's not like anyone was going to see it, so what was the point? Also, all my clothes from when I lived at home have my initials sewn onto the label. Mother made sure that both mine and Sirius' clothes had our initials on them so that they couldn't get lost at school or mistaken as someone else's.

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