Chapter 10

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Heyyyllooo so this chapter is very fluffy I think, but there is a part where Regulus talks about his time with Max. So be careful of that, but it's good that at least he'd reaching out for the help he needs!! Yay!!

Enjoy! :))


Sirius and James wanted to go to the beach. There was one about an hour and a half away, so that's where we went. I didn't really want to go, but I followed along and just sat on the sand with a new book I got the other day when Sirius took me to the local muggle bookshop.

Sirius knew I didn't want to go in the sea because then I'd have to wear a swimsuit and I didn't even own one and I don't think I ever will. James thought I didn't go in because I was currently bleeding down there, so I didn't have to worry about explaining why I didn't want to go swimming.

James never brought up the whole blood stain thing after that morning when he told his mum. He didn't seem as horrified as I was which I was a bit surprised about but at least he didn't make a big deal about it. He did offer to refill my hot water bottle the other day, but other than that, he hasn't mentioned it. Thankfully.

Maybe it made him uncomfortable to think about it so he didn't bring it up. Or maybe Euphemia taught him about that stuff and told him not to be grossed out by it, unlike me. She seemed like the type of woman to teach her son about issues that people with female anatomy have to go through so that he can be a 'respectful young man'. I guess it kind of worked because as far as I can tell, he's as good as a straight boy can be.

"Come and play catch with us!" Sirius said as he ran over to where I was sitting under the umbrella that Fleamont had set up so that he wouldn't get sunburnt even though I'm pretty sure he'd just tan in the sun. Euphemia was lying on a towel not too far away, darkening her already dark skin. I kind of wish I was able to tan instead of just burning to a crisp.

"I'm allergic to the sun." I told him, not even bothering to look up from my book.

"No you're not, you're just emo," he teased, hoping to rile me up enough to get me to come and play with him and James.

"I actually am allergic. Sorry I didn't get Mother's ability to tan in the sun like you did." I rolled my eyes. Sirius is pale like me, but at least he doesn't turn bright red every time he steps into sunlight. I'm practically living the life of a vampire. No wonder I find Dracula fascinating.

"Whatever, cry about it more why don't you," he rolled his eyes but I knew he didn't mean it in an actual mean way. I didn't take offence anyways so it's fine.

"Are you coming to play?" James asked as he ran over, only in swimming trunks just like Sirius.

"No." I said, looking up at the two of them. James' skin was impressively bronze. His skin pretty much glistening in the sun from his sweat I'd assume. Or maybe it was sea water. It didn't matter, I hate both of those things. Though I had to admit, whatever it was did wonders for him, making his toned arms and abdomen stand out more. Ew what was I thinking?!

I quickly looked away and back down at my book, ignoring them.

"Suit yourself," James said before the two of them ran off again down the beach towards the water. I think Fleamont was asleep because I looked over and noticed his book was on his face and I realised I could faintly hear snoring.

The rest of the day was insufferably hot. To be fair, it was quite nice to be outside after I'd been in bed for the last few days with horrible cramps. It's been four days since it started, hopefully it stops soon. Today I was feeling better so we all decided to go out.

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