Chapter 17

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Sorry the update took so long, school is actually gonna get me admitted for insanity I hate this I'm so tired but I needed a break from school work so I decided to post this in one of my free periods. I hope you enjoy!


When morning came, my belongings had been returned to my room, I presume Kreacher was the one to pack everything up nicely. It's not like my parents would bother, even with magic. I say my belongings but really they're things that my mother got for Maia. The only uniform I got to keep were things like socks and my jumpers, the rest were all kept away from me, probably shredded up or incinerated. Mother took the liberty of getting me three new skirts that I took one look at and decided I would never wear if I could help it. I'll just have to find some school pants to borrow when I get to school, maybe my brother could lend me a pair, or even Evan if Dora asks nicely enough. I also noticed that there were a few new school button ups, no doubt the women's cut. How lovely.

Thankfully, I'd been allowed to keep my shoes, but there was a pair of heels in my trunk. I didn't trust them not to be jinxed with a sticking charm or something so I wouldn't be able to get them off. That sounds like something mother would do, she'd probably make me sleep in them to teach me a lesson or something. Considering I refused to put on one of the skirts, especially since the weather was now getting colder, I put on the trousers that were sitting on top of my trunk. Kreacher must have put them there since I didn't recognise them as one's I'd previously owned and I doubt mother would ever let me in the same vicinity as 'boys clothes' again, even though women wear trousers all the time. They weren't school pants but they were a plain navy blue that was sophisticated enough to probably not draw attention to my lack of uniform until I can find some trousers at school.

I put on my school jumper which thankfully isn't gendered, which is stupid in the first place, it's just fabric, and then I quickly slipped on the trousers. The mirror in the corner of my room that now sat reassembled after the many times I'd smashed it up showed my reflection from across the room. I blinked and looked again when I saw myself wearing a skirt and not the trousers that I saw when I looked down. I really am going delusional now. Maybe mother was right.

There was a knock on the door before a loud crack sounded throughout the silent house. Kreacher appeared on the inside of my closed door. "The Mistress requires your presence in the sitting room. She will accompany you to the station where you will be escorted to school," the house eld croaked and Regulus was once again taken by surprise. "Escorted?" he asked, where did she think he was going to go? It's not like he can apparate and there's really only one way to go when you get on the Hogwarts Express. "Kreacher is told the young master is not to be trusted. Young masters ran away once," with a shrug, Regulus figured that was fair, he and Sirius had both ran away at different points in their lives; it's just that one of them had been a bit more successful at it.

Not caring to argue, Regulus changed his focus to something else, "did you put these trousers on my trunk, Kreacher?" The house elf glanced up quickly at his outfit before looking down at the floor, hands fidgeting nervously. "Mistress does not like trousers, Master Regulus does not like skirts. Kreacher..." he paused, choosing his words, "made trousers with magic. It will appear like a skirt to others. Only the wearer sees long pants." Regulus took a moment to process what he was being told. His family's miserable grumpy house elf always had a small soft spot for him but he never expected such a genuine act of care from the elf. "A glamour," Regulus asked, more to himself but Kreacher still nodded.

"Master Regulus must not be late," Kreacher quickly said, snapping his fingers to make the last few of his belongings like school books find their place in his trunk that then fell shut, clicking closed. Before the house elf could leave the room, Regulus stopped him, "Kreacher," he stopped on his way to the door, "thank you. These trousers are wonderful. Thank you for calling me Regulus." Something reminiscent of a smile appeared on the house elf's face, "Kreacher lives to serve the Nobel house of Black and its Masters." With that, the elf was gone, choosing to disapparate instead of going out the bedroom door.

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