Chapter 14

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Turns out being a prefect is a lot more tiring than I'd initially anticipated. Within the first week of school, I'd been late to almost every lesson after having to escort countless first years in green robes to their classroom. One kid even asked where the great hall was...

On the bright side, it had been a whole week and I had yet to see any sign of the blue eyed Gryffindor who plagues even my worst nightmares. Whether I'd just been successfully evading Max or he'd actually gotten expelled, I wasn't sure. So I decided to ask Sirius since he'd know, being a Gryffindor and all.

I figured my free period that morning was a good opportunity since it conveniently lines up with Sirius'. Last week I saw Sirius snoozing away in a corner of the library, so that's where I decided to head, hoping my brother had the same idea this week and decided it was a good time to get a lie-in. I stood from the Slytherin table and slung my book-bag over my shoulder, patting the unruly white curls of Pandora's head before turning on my heel and making my way to the library, Millie in tow.

Our blonde friend was asleep in her cereal (she must have been extra exhausted considering she's lactose intolerant and hates milk), clearly not in the mood to go to her first lesson of the day which was Ancient Runes, a class I favoured Flying Lessons over. Not that I need them, but I love quidditch and with my extensive homework list, I hardly get time to train. I can't be Slytherin's star seeker if I'm drowning in rolls of parchment. Millie finds the subject terribly boring and dropped it on the first day, switching to Care of Magical Creatures.

We were mostly quiet as we walked to the library, it was far too early for civilised conversations. By the time we got there, only a few other students were here, the rest probably still at breakfast. I nodded when Millie muttered something about finding us a table, going on a hunt of my own. I saw a half-awake Sirius being dragged out of the great hall only a few minutes ago so I knew they were probably around here somewhere.

It wasn't long before I found a small alcove in the bookshelves at the far end of the library, a little hidden from the rest of the room. As expected, my brother was there, lying across a sofa with his feet kicked up on the arm of the sofa, his head in Remus' lap. I held back the urge to tut at his uniform, his tie looped under his neck and dangling off the edge of the sofa, his shirt untucked and scrunched up on his stomach, exposing his abdomen as he slept. Despite his dishevelled wardrobe, his makeup still looked perfect as ever, his hair splayed out prettily on Lupin's lap. Remus flicked lazily through his book in one hand while the other combed gently through Sirius' hair, keeping it out of his face.

Eventually I realised I probably looked like a complete weirdo peeking around the bookshelf to spy on my older brother and his 'friend'. I wasn't spying though, merely admiring their shared peace and comfort. Right before I was about to make my presence known, Sirius stirred in his sleep. His eyes blinked open and he muttered something I couldn't hear. It seemed to get Remus' attention as he looked down and hummed in response. Then, he did something I hadn't expected, Sirius puckered his lips a bit and Remus leaned down compliantly, pressing his own lips to Sirius'. Oh.

I quickly turned away and went to find Mildred, ignoring the way my heartbeat thrummed in my ears. I knew my brother and Remus liked each other, that much was obvious, but I didn't realise they were actually together. Either way, I didn't want to stick around to watch my brother be gross with his - apparently - boyfriend, nor did I want to disturb them. I've had to witness enough of my brother's pining for a lifetime. Even before we made amends, it was blatantly obvious how much he was into his friend.

As I walked away, I made a mental note to interrogate Sirius and be a living menace to him for a while. He'd promised to tell me things that first night I was at the Potter's. Considering he and Remus are smooching in the corner of the library that I accidentally witnessed, I'd say he hasn't been keeping to his promise. That won't do. Millie was sitting at a table in the opposite far corner of the library, already having put our books and parchment out. "Did you find your brother?"

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