Chapter 19

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This chapter has two parts, here's part one.



The next morning was chaotic to say the least. I don't think anyone decided not to dress up, even miserable Snape was wearing something that wasn't uniform. It looked just like normal clothes but at least he wasn't so boring that he didn't join in.

Of course my brother and his friends had a dramatic entrance, three of them looking excited while one of them looked like he'd rather be in bed but went along with it because Sirius might have threatened no kisses today if he didn't dress up with them. Three guesses who that is. Sirius was in the middle with the most flamboyant outfit I've ever seen, Remus, James, and Peter all had long wigs on that made them look rather silly. They vaguely resembled the band members of Queen who my brother won't shut up about.

"See, I told you other people would dress up as bands," Dora nudged me with a shit eating grin on her face. I watched as they walked down the aisle between the Slytherin and Gryffindor table, Sirius stopping to slip me a piece of parchment before hurrying over to where his friends had saved him a seat.

Halloween Party. Gryffindor Common Room. 10pm.

Don't Snitch!

Immediately Dora leaned over my shoulder and snatched the note from my hand when she saw that it was a party invite, "we have to go!" Millie leaned over the table, careful not to get her white top in her breakfast as she peered over, trying to read the note upside down. Pandora looked between us excitedly, waiting for us to agree with her, Millie smiled and shrugged, "as long as they play good music and have food." My two friends then turned to me. I'm not really big on noisy, lively and crowded places, but they seemed to really want to go... I suppose I could tag along and if I didn't enjoy it I could just leave them to their fun and go back to the common room. "I suppose we can go and see what they've got planned. Besides, you can't make ABBA with just A and A."


It was five to ten when Dora and Millie were running around our room hunting for their makeup items. I'd told them earlier to get ready but of course they didn't listen. Since I don't use makeup I was comfortably sitting on my bed reading as I watched in amusement. My hair was still long since I hadn't figured out how to break the jinx yet but I'd just tied the top half up with a white ribbon and left it at that. Mildred was sitting on the floor in front of the mirror, an eyeliner pencil held up to her eye as she meticulously traced her eyelid. Just as she was making a perfect point at the end, Dora stumbled out of the bathroom and tripped over her. "Pandora, you nitwit!" Millie now had a black line going from the corner of her eye up to her temple. "Sorry," Dora quickly sat up and helped Millie up as well.

I felt sort of bad for just sitting there laughing behind my book so I put it down and went over to them. "Do you want me to help with that," I offered as Millie started shouting at Pandora for ruining her eyeliner. She looked up at me with an unconvinced expression on her face, "thanks for the offer but you don't really know how to do makeup, Reg," she told me and I merely shrugged. "I've got steady hands, you need to in order to do advanced potions," I explained and she glanced in the mirror at her reflection before sighing, handing me the black makeup pencil, "go for it."

Sitting down on the floor next to her, I watched in the mirror as Dora rushed around behind us, half her hair pinned up as she applied some pink blush to her face and simultaneously tried to wiggle into her shoes. Once Millie had wiped off the bad eyeliner, I gently took her chin between my fingers, tilting her face towards mine as I went in with the makeup pencil.

Within fifteen minutes we were all ready, turns out I'm pretty good at applying eyeliner. Dora and Millie had made up, the blonde having wrapped an arm over the brunette's shoulder, "I'm really sorry for tripping on you and messing up your makeup," she apologised for the third time. "That's alright," Millie shrugged, in a much better mood now, "you actually did me a favour because now my eyeliner is more flawless than it's ever been." She flipped her bouncy brown hair over her shoulder as she turned to me, "from now on you're our new makeup artist, Reg," I grumbled under my breath about how that's never happening but we all just laughed as we left our room.

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