Chapter 5

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Regulus has a dysphoria episode, the Black brothers are bonding, and Sirius is annoyed his bum is smaller than his younger brother's.

**TW - there is a portion of this chapter that is about Regulus' dysphoria and he gets pretty upset. Scratching himself is mentioned very briefly but I put a warning in bold before and after that part so if you're sensitive to that then I'd advise skipping that. As for the dysphoria, if that upsets you, then please read with caution. Thanks <3**


Three days before the holidays ended, we went to Diagon Alley, because I needed some new school shoes, and I refused to let the Potters pay so I needed to get money from Gringotts.

I was a bit nervous because I actually don't have my own account, so if my parents are as angry as I assume they are and have already burnt my name off the family tree, then I won't have access anymore to the Black family vault. Meaning I have no money.

Luckily, Sirius told me that when he ran away, uncle Alphard put a large sum of galleons and whatnot into a separate private account for him so that he wouldn't go poor after our parents disowned him. Apparently he puts in a little more on Christmas and on Sirius' birthday. Now that I've run away too, there's no doubt he won't hear about it. He'll probably end up putting some in for me too on my birthday.

Sirius let me take money from his vault. I felt a little bad, taking his own money, but it felt better than taking the Potter's money. They'd already given me a bed to sleep in and food and kindness, I didn't want to take their galleons too. Even if they're super rich, according to Sirius. Something about James' grandad owning a hair product line? I was pretty surprised at that considering the state of James' hair.

Sirius had more money than I thought he would. He wasn't rich, he was nowhere near that, but our uncle had been very generous with him. Apparently Sirius was also to inherit all his money when he dies, so maybe then Sirius will be rich, but right now he has enough for the two of us and that's just fine.

Euphemia and Fleamont went to look at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour while Sirius, James and I walked around getting any last minute school supplies. Apparently James had lost one of his school shirts, I have no idea how that happened, and Sirius needed a new care of magical creatures book since his got ruined by the great squid who ate it while Sirius was doing very unflattering doodles of the squid. Or at least that's what James told me. Either way, I'd never been prouder of the squid in my life. The Slytherin house is in the dungeons under the black lake, and you can see all sorts of creatures out the windows in the common room. The squid is particularly friendly with Slytherins and I think it's because we spend so much time near the lake.

First we found James some new shirts. He made a big show of trying it on, flexing his muscles to Sirius who rolled his eyes and called him a twig despite his excessive quidditch training schedule. I think he purposely tried on a shirt that was two sizes too small, just to show off his absurdly massive biceps and pecs. To be fair, I may be exaggerating a bit. He isn't a twig, but he isn't a body builder either, he has just filled out recently. Probably because of training but also being a teenage boy, you suddenly start filling out very fast. Ok this is kind of weird, this isn't a human anatomy class.

Anyways I just stayed quiet while Sirius and James laughed and playfully bullied each other calling each other names before James finally decided which size of shirt to get. He paid and then we carried on with our shopping.

We found Flourish and Blotts so Sirius could find his book. He took ages to find it. Maybe it was an uncommon book? Anyways, I didn't really mind because I just looked through the books. There were a few muggle ones, and I read the blurb of each. They all sounded pretty interesting, one called Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen really caught my attention. I knew we shouldn't really just be spending our money on anything we see that interests us, but I can't remember the last time I got a book for myself. The one I've been reading recently was one I got for my fourteenth birthday and I've read it over a dozen times by now.

Cosmic Stardust - JegulusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon