Chapter 8

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So I know I've been gone for a while. Sorry about that haha, I've had a pretty busy last few months including moving across the world and whatnot. Anyways, heres another chapter!! I just want to take a moment though to mention the warnings for the content in this chapter.

TW :

- Manipulation

- Power abuse

- Harassment/Sexual Assault

- Regulus gets tricked into thinking he isn't a victim of something that bad

- Minor mention of r*pe but not an actually explicit scene or anything like that

- 16yr old and 14yr old (underage)

I wrote this chapter a while ago and reading back over it, even I'm quite shocked at it's contents so please read with caution. I think it is important to take these issues seriously so please don't joke about any of this or judge Regulus for the way he reacts to it because it is a genuine reaction that a lot of victims have where they are convinced that their issues aren't 'bad enough' to need help with and therefore they believe they aren't actually victims and can't bring themselves to speak up about it anyways. It doesn't make him weak or stupid so please be mature about this.

If you think any of those trigger warnings will upset you too much then please don't read this chapter. Later chapters will touch on the topics of this one so you will be able to piece it together and continue with the storyline without having to actually read this chapter fully. If you have any questions or concerns before you read this chapter, please feel free to comment them and I'll try and get back to you ASAP to reassure you on anything before you read.

With that said, I hope this chapter is alright and I hope you look forward to Reg getting the happy moments in life that he deserves in future chapters :)


Since then, the Gryffindors have been talking to me more, my brother and his friends I mean. The first month back was boring as it was just normal school, but a quidditch match was coming up so everyone was excited for that.

It was Ravenclaw against Gryffindor. I obviously cheered for Ravenclaw. Remus and Peter don't play quidditch so they stood with me in the crowds. They're nice to talk to, and I noticed Remus, despite telling me how uninterested he is in quidditch, cheering pretty loudly when my brother hit the bludger and it got in the way of one of the Ravenclaws. Those two were tricky to figure out. I couldn't tell if Remus and Sirius fancied each other, or if they were just the most 'platonically' affectionate out of the four.

I haven't seen those Hufflepuffs near me since that one day a month or two ago. I overheard Sirius telling his friends about some revenge plan during study hall, so I'd assume it was a plan to get back at them. I don't feel sorry for them. It's not ok to sexualise and harass anyone, especially someone you don't even know.

It is warmer outside now being the start of March. I noticed a new scar on Remus' left hand the other day. I wondered what it was from, but I didn't ask. It didn't seem like it was my place to ask.

I also saw him in the infirmary one morning when I was going to get some stuff from Madame Pomfrey for Mildred who woke up with a stomach bug. He looked like he'd been brutally beaten all night, but luckily he was asleep so he didn't notice me. Sirius was also there, asleep in the chair next to the bed, his head face down on the edge of the mattress. I didn't really have time to stop and talk so I was glad they were asleep and at least one of his friends were there. The next day Remus seemed fine. It was a bit weird but I decided to turn a blind eye. It wasn't really any of my business what had happened to him. At least he was ok now.

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