Chapter 20

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Eden's P.O.V.

I have not seen Gage in a week, and Ean is now fifteen days old, and I have about six weeks left of my maternity leave. Ean and I are in his nursery as I sit in the rocking chair while breastfeeding him. Alexis and Karter are coming over tonight for dinner, and to hangout for a little while since Alexis and Karter both have the day off.

Softly sniffling as my nose is stuffy, making me wonder if I am getting sick with a cold as I gently rock Ean and I as he eats. Man, I hope I am not getting sick as I do not want to be sick, and have to take care of Ean while feeling like crap.

When Ean finishes with his feeding, I place him against my shoulder to burp him while I continue to rock us as I try to hum through my stuffy nose to my sweet baby. Once he is burped, I wipe away the milk spit up, and cradle him against him as he falls fast asleep. Giving him an extra couple of minutes to make sure he is fully asleep before lying him in the bassinet, and quietly leave the room once I have turned on the baby monitor, and grabbed the other part of the monitor.

Shutting the door behind me, I head into the kitchen to clean it since I have not had a chance yet today. The rest of the house is clean. Turning on music from my phone on low as I place the baby monitor on the counter next to my phone, and get to work. About forty-five minutes into my cleaning, and I am almost done, there is a buzz from the front door.

Frowning at who the hell would be here now since it is too early for Alexis and Karter to be here. Drying my hands off on a hand towel from washing Ean's bottles, I walk over to the door to press the button to ask who is there.

"Hi Eden, this is Georgia McCoy," the voice replies, making my frown deepen even further.

"Hi Mrs. McCoy, I will buzz you in, so come on up," I reply, buzzing her into my house.

Opening the door in the kitchen, wondering how in the bloody hell she found out where I live, and wait for her to come up. She arrives at the door a couple of minutes later with a timid smile at me.

"I am sorry for showing up without warning or asking," she says as I shut the door behind her. "I was wondering if we could speak for a few minutes if you are not busy?"

She looks guilty, and a little nervous as I look at her utterly confused; "Mrs. McCoy, how do you know where I live?"

Her guilty expression intensifies as she looks down at her feet briefly before looking at me again; "Um, I got your address from Gage. Please do not be upset with my son because I made him tell me your address."

"I am in the middle of cleaning as I have company arriving in a half an hour," I answer, trying not to let my anger out at her unannounced arrival, and Gage giving her my address without my consent.

"I just wanted to ask you to please give Gage a chance," she pleads, making my jaw clench in anger. "He truly loves you, and I think you two would be beautiful together as a couple."

"I am trying to keep my anger in check right now," I give her as a fair warning before continuing. "I do not believe that this is any of your business when it comes to my romantic life, or Gage's. If Gage allows you to do this, then this his business, and if anything romantically happens between him and I will not be because of anyone else sticking their nose where it does not belong. Please leave."

Opening the door, I look at her expediently until she walks toward the door; "I did not mean to anger you, Eden. I just want to see you with my son sooner rather than later. I am sorry for overstepping the line by doing this. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

She leaves the house, and after making sure she exits the main door of my townhouse a few minutes later, I quickly shut the door, locking it, too. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I walk back to the counter, checking on Ean through the monitor as I grab my cell of the counter to text Gage. Ean is still sleeping, but he should be waking very soon.

Instead of texting Gage, I decide to call him, and give him a piece of my mind, and he answers on the third ring with a timid voice; "Hi Eden How are you today? How is Ean?"

His voice sounds extremely nervous as he should be, and again I try to reign my temper in control; "Cut the bullshit, Gage. How fucking dare you tell your mum where I live without my fucking permission? Did you know why she wanted my address?"

Gage sighs on the other end of the line, and I can imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration as he answers; "I am sorry Eden, and I know this does not make this better, or okay with what I did. I should not have done that without your consent, and I will not do that again. No, I did not, nor know what she wanted your address for. I hope it was nothing bad."

Sighing loudly as I fight back the anger and the tears; "She came by to try and convince me to be with you romantically. I do not appreciate that, and I want, no I need to take a step back from you for an unknown amount of time. I need the time away from us to figure out what I want and need. I am sorry if this upsets you, but this is not about what you need, but what I need right now."

Gage loudly sighs again as he sadly says; "I am sorry that it has come down to this, but I understand where you are coming from. Take all the time you need, and I will wait as long as you need. Bye Eden."

"Bye Gage," I return, ending the call, and placing the phone back on the counter, and check on Ean again through the baby monitor.

When I realize he is starting to wake, I head to the nursery to change his dirty diaper, and feed him again since he woke hungry.

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