CHAPTER 5: Recruitment

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Asher was ecstatic to be chosen to be a part of the team. However, this summer he is doing an internship with the FBI and his availability will only work for some of the dates. This is the tricky part. I have to find another team member. New York City is vast with millions of people. I can't send out an open job application because it would be hard to separate who is trustable versus who is deceitful. Instead, Gerard and I are scouting and handpicking applicants and making them go through a strict process.

Finding the right candidate is my first challenge. They have to be unbiased to Chrysos and the politics of her father. They should have more field experience than me in order to cover where my skills lack. They should be flexible for a permanent position because when the summer ends and I go back to school, they will be taking over as the primary operative.

The first event is approaching a week from today. If I don't have someone filled into the slot by then, it will be a lot harder to secure Chrys. A sloppy job equals chaos which equals harm to Chrys or my team.


I have been searching for days. I combed through recruitment sites, talked to some of my professors, and asked around some security agencies. The people I spoke with are either already preoccupied, have little to no experience, or did not pass my prerequisites which include a series of mock trials, physical training tests, and background checks.

After a long day of work, it is now eleven at night. I lay myself out on my bed scrolling through the diminishing list of applicants that did pass. The resumes are perfect on paper and I can't seem to decide on just one.

"You'll find them eventually. Don't lose hope, Paxton," Asher consoles me on the phone.

"We are nearing only ten left out of fifty. What if I can't choose any of them? Maybe we should have expanded our search," I sigh.

"Maybe, but you only have less than three days. Either you gotta make do with the ones you have left and choose one or pray from the brightest star in space that they present themselves to you," he said.

I laugh, "You're funny, dude. Anyways, thanks for calling. Have fun at work tomorrow and don't forget to eat your breakfast."

"You too. You got this," he said.

I charge my phone and continue staring mindlessly at the list. Even as I look over each of the tiny letters, my eyes are losing focus. It takes me a great amount of will to shove them back open and flip them to the next person.

Knock! Knock!

I shoot wide awake and set the papers on my covers. When I open the door, Chrysos is standing there in a plain magenta t-shirt and pajama pants.

"Hello," she smiles shyly.

"Hi, Chrys," I raise my brows in surprise.

"What ya up to?" she tippy-toes to peek over my shoulder.

"I'm still searching for another team member. We've got Gerard who has the most experience working as your head of security, my friend Asher who has a governmental background, and me. We just need one more person. I'm looking for someone with more experience than me, trustworthy, and willing to be flexible in working full-time. Gerard and I have a series of trials we implemented and the past applicants didn't pass. These are the ones who remain," I explain, laying them neatly for her to see.

"Okay, that's great. I can help you sift through these and give my input on the decision," she said.

I quickly object, "No, you shouldn't worry about this. It's late and you are probably busy with your own work. This is my job. It shouldn't be your worry."

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