CHAPTER 19: Reconciliation

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I wake up to the light pittering of rain on the windows. Chrysos has her leg between my legs facing my back as I lay on my side. The clock reads just fifteen minutes after nine in the morning. Light as a dandelion seed, I disconnect myself from Chrysos and let her sleep in. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and when I step out, Chrysos is still snoozing deeply, the duvet only just on the lower half of her body. My imagination runs wild and I can only paint what could be her soft and supple breasts hidden beneath her violet bra. Agh, a big no-no. I tuck the blanket over her and kiss the top of her head before stepping out of the room.

Bennet is humming to himself in the kitchen and I greet him warmly. I assist him in making breakfast and as we cook, Nicky steps out already wearing her red and white flannel shirt tucked into jeans. I set down a cup of orange juice for her while Bennet finishes the omelets.

"Hey, how you feeling Nicky?" I ask.

"I am fine, mom. It's just a boo-boo," she said, sipping her drink, but I say it with a deeper tone.

"I mean how are you?" I say.

She sets it down and pushes her hair behind her ear, "You were right. She did get very very scared. And it kind of made us realize something. We are better off as friends. My life is just too dangerous and she... well she's from a different world. At least we stopped before it could get too serious."

"I'm so sorry," I say sincerely.

"Yeah, it's alright," Nicky pipes up half-heartedly and we sit in silence as we eat our omelets.

After washing our plates, Chrysos comes out dressed in a plain black dress and matching charcoal flats.

"Chrysos?" Nicky is the first to speak.

"Come on, get dressed. Try to match my attire," she orders before taking her coffee and sitting on the couch.

Nicky and I fall serious and follow Chrysos' order. I tuck my black dress shirt into my dress pants and wear flats. Once outside, we walk in silence to the car. Chrysos tells Bennet an address out in Brooklyn and as we cross the Manhattan Bridge, I finally ask the burning question.

"Where are we going, Chrys?" I look with solemnity.

"I am going to pay my respects to Richard," she speaks clearly and we let out an 'oh'.

"I need to do this. I know you guys think it's probably stupid considering she attacked me, but..."

"We're not stopping you. You need to do this, then we go with you," I said and Nicky nods her head in agreement, "We are always beside you. Leave no buddies behind."

"My best friends are awesome," Chrysos smiles and we continue looking out the windows in silence.

We arrive in thirty minutes. Mrs. Castus opens the door partially, the deadbolt still on its chain, and cautiously eyes us one by one.

"Mrs. Castus. We spoke on the phone. I'm Chrysos and these are my friends Nicky and Paxton. And this is Bennet, my butler. May we come in?" Chrysos introduces us and we wave hello.

"Solo tu," Mrs. Castus says to Chrys, eyeing me and then at my hands which are nervously fiddling in my pockets. I know that look. I pop them out and open them flat against the seam of my pants.

"Excuse me, ma'am. We can't..." Nicky objects, but Chrysos stops her.

"Just me. You guys take the day. Maybe Paxton, you can take Nicky sightseeing. Bennet can stay with me," Chrysos offers and my head is spinning in all directions.

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