CHAPTER 41: Absence of Mind

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"Mom, what the hell are you doing here? And you brought people from the church? I can't believe you!" Paxton cries out.

What? Is she talking about us? About me? I mean I don't know what to say or do. Everything was fine a minute ago. But Paxton's entire expression is filled with something I have never seen before. I have seen her angry and passionate while fighting against the SS Tribe, but that animosity was driven by war. This passion she is exhibiting is worse than a battle cry. Worse than a catalyst against a dozen persons. Her eyes are lit with a torch that is laser fixated on a single target, but ready to murder hundreds. This is personal.

"Honey..." Amira speaks softly to try and de-escalate the situation. 

Oh no. Paxton rips the chords and tubes taped to her, struggling to get the invasive instruments off her body. The ECG monitor is going bonkers with an incessant tone repeating rottenly in the background. Something shatters as she tosses things haphazardly to the floor. The kids scramble away from her and run into the farthest corner of the room. Prince cradles his twin sister as she covers her ears and mutters words only the twins can share. With a spine-crushing grip on the plastic guards on the sides of her bed, Paxton lifts herself to sit up. I rush to her side and extend my arms for her to hold, but she swats me away, without even a bother to look me in the eye. No, her attention is only on her mother. 

I respectfully don't grab her again, but stay at her side. 

"DON'T HONEY ME! You treated me like absolute garbage. You saw me as nothing. You threw me out of the house. Your own child! You talk of reaching for your dreams and growing to be better people, yet you... You think I am nothing no more. And guess what, mama? For so long, I believed you, my mama. When my mama, the one who shows her kids to be strong, to overcome, and be independent, she tosses her own child into the streets because she got dreams and hopes and good grades. I got good grades, woman! You could never be proud or happy for me. Instead, you threw me into the world you tried to protect all of us from. The hood! You left me in the hood for months and if it weren't for my scholarship, I would have been there longer. You were selfish and a bloody hypocrite. F*** you!" Paxton spits, literally.

Everybody gasps. Paxton did not only curse, but she... how do Americans say it? Popped off. It takes five seconds for the shock to wear off. But undoubtedly, hearts are beating and soon, fists and voices are being raised.

"PAXTON IUSTUS!" Amira raises her voice and her hand. 

"AMIRA!" Paxton screams, but crumbles forward, gripping her gown. 

"PA!" Precious and Prince gasp, cowering into each other, tears brimming at the intense conflict.

"This is not a place for children. Come along, peonies. Uncle Bennet will take you to the cafe," Bennet holds out his hands and the two eagerly cling to his suit. 

But that action upsets Paxton further as fear kicks in. 

"Where the hell are you taking them? Who the hell are you?" Paxton huffs in between labored breaths. 

She pushes herself to get off the bed and attack Bennet, but I hold her shoulders. Her glare bleeds into my eyes. I nearly curl over and maybe slightly whimpered, but I held her gaze. 

"We're not from church and not affiliated with your mother. For an unknown reason you can't recall, but we're actually here for you. I'm here for you. So please, will you relax? You've been through a lot and your body is in need of healing," I tell her calmly, letting her go.

Bennet bows his head respectfully and as Paxton looks at her siblings comfortably in Bennet's embrace, she sinks into the pillow behind her back. 

"We'll be outside, miss," Bennet smiles and escorts the kids outside. 

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