🐥Glitter All Over Your Face, Thank God For My Little Space

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Harry begins to embrace his age regression and gets the courage to go to a store and get comfort items for himself.

Harry POV

My small space begins to feel like home. I feel myself slipping more and more once I realize that Ron, Hermione and Ginny won't judge. Sometimes I'm scratching Crookshanks' ears and I'm suddenly giggling like a four year old. Other times, I'm laying in bed watching the rain and I'm so warm that I regress to a baby.

As time goes on, though, I find myself becoming pouty in small space. I'm missing something. I need...things. Things I can touch that comfort me. But I hardly have anything. I'm stuck on what I need until I see Fleur with a baby magazine.

One afternoon when the Burrow is quiet, I find the nearest Tesco and go to the baby section. There, I stare at the sippy cups and teethers and pacifiers.

By the time I leave, I've definitely spent all my cash, but I'm carrying a full bag.

I Apparate home, hugging my treasures to my chest. I appear in Charlie's old bedroom. He saw me sleeping on Ron's bed and offered me his bedroom. All his belongings are gone, which is even better.

I double check my locked bedroom door. Once I'm satisfied with my security measures, I excitedly bounce on my feet a little. Little Harry is giggling in my head.

Laying out all my finds, I inspect them. Three pacifiers, one sippy cup and one bottle, a pale blue sweater that is oversized, a big, white stuffed owl, and a pair of fuzzy socks. The pacifiers are rather plain. Maybe I can decorate them by magic!

Little Harry comes out in full, and before long, I'm happily rocking on my bed, holding my owl. My childish brain struggles for a name for my new friend. Finally, I gleefully exclaim, "Snowy! I name owl Snowy!"

I'm giggling as I put on my fuzzy socks and bounce out of my bedroom, Snowy held to my face. I remember my pygmy puff plushie, and I pout, grabbing my other friend. "I no name you. I a meanie. You named Fluffy now!"

Percy leaves his bedroom, and I'm suddenly shy. I scamper back into my room with my stuffies and lock the door. "Uh-oh. Sowwy, Fwuffy and Snowy."


I eventually go into Auror training with Ron. Every day before leaving, I hug my stuffed animals and promise myself, you can always come back here. And every night I do, and so does Little Harry.

The day comes when we have to do the psychological evaluations for being Aurors. By that time, I've moved into a flat with Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

I'm so surprised when I'm given my parchment of results that I'm frozen. Not deemed fit for Auror duty.

"What'd they say, mate? I got in. Figures, I've never had any health problems."

There's a lump in my throat. I can't speak. Hermione touches my shoulder. "Harry?"

I throw the parchment onto the dining table. "Well...I didn't get in. Might as well read for yourselves."

Ron gasps. "But...mate, that's...how could they not let you in?! You're Harry Potter! The Boy Who-"

Groaning, I smack my forehead. "If you start going into all my titles, I'm going to hit you in the head with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

Hermione picks up the piece of parchment, frowning. "'Harry James Potter has been deemed unfit for Auror duty. Reason: strong indication of anxiety, depression, untreated PTSD, and poor anger management.'"

Ron avoids my eye. "Harry...I know you don't want to admit it...but you do have a temper."

I sigh. "Yeah. I know. I just...I thought I was okay."

But...now that I'm thinking about it...I haven't been alright. The nightmares, the constant anxiety, the oppressive heaviness weighing me down.

Uncomfortable, I avoid their eyes. "I thought everyone felt that way...I thought it was normal."

Hermione rubs my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Harry."

I don't like it! I'm confused.

My entire body relaxes as Little Harry knocks at the door. I let him in, desperate for my small space. Life is getting too confusing. Mental illness is confusing. Everything is confusing.

I let my head flop onto the table, groaning as I let a pout escape. "No no!"

Ron chuckles, and Hermione pats my back. "Haven't heard that voice in a while."

I lift my head, wishing I had Fluffy or Snowy as I curl up in my chair. "I smaww...vewy smaww.."

Ron ruffles my hair as Hermione smiles. "How old are you, Harry?"

I have to think. I rock back and forth a little, chewing on my sleeve. My mind feels so simple and...blank.

Finally, I hold up three fingers. "Vewy smaww..."

"Do you want a nap, buddy?"

I timidly hide my face. "..wan 'tuffies.."

Hermione says in a gentle voice, "Do you want your bedroom?"

I nod, clumsily climbing off my chair and sticking my thumb in my mouth. "Bye bye."

When I make it to my bedroom, I close my door and happily run to my bed. "Hi hi, Fwuffy and Snowy!"

Giggling, I jump onto my bed and sprawl out, hugging Fluffy and Snowy.


Harry POV

I'm given a full year deferral from Auror training and instructed to see a Healer. Figures. I'm so pissed off and frustrated that I nearly lose my voice from all the yelling. It's then I realize that's probably why I'm not allowed to be an Auror yet. Whatever.

Once I've cooled off from ranting, Ginny seems to voice what I'm thinking. "Harry, you're going to hate hearing this, but that's exactly why."

I exhale, sitting on a chair backwards. "And I hate to admit it but maybe you're right."

"It could be very dangerous if you lose your temper on the field, Harry."

I sigh, closing my eyes. "Guess I'll be filling out job applications."

Ginny snorts. "Don't you have a fortune?"

Oh yeah. The pile of gold sitting in my vault. "Well...I don't want to sit around bored. And er... I'm saving it."

I sneak a look at Ginny's petite hand that's fiddling with her nose ring. I wonder what her ring size is. She's got tiny little hands.

She chuckles. "What are you saving for? The most recent broom?"

I shake my head, wondering how to ask her ring size. "Do you wear rings much?"

Her eyes widen, and I swear inwardly. I'm too obvious. "I, I um, I'm getting rings for everyone and I need sizes, and, uh, shit the laundry!"

I scamper away, but Ginny is chasing me. "Harry James Potter, you can't say that and run away!"

Laughing, I jump behind the washer and try to hide. I see Ginny peek at me on top of the washing machine, and I grin nervously. "Don't kill me."

She giggles. "You're too tall to hide here, silly. You're a beanpole."

Pfft. "I thought that was Ron."

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