well, well look who's inside again

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Harry will be at the Dursleys after 5th year and trying to cope. I'm not going to write the child abuse in detail, but Snape is going to serve some well deserving meanie butts some justice. Also sassy Harry lol.

Harry POV

I stare at the empty parchment in front of me, my mind not starting. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, seems to be in there. I've been in bed for days, no weeks now. And each day is the same, boring as heck.

The Dursleys ignore me all day, and Petunia even slips food under my door now. Whatever, it looks bad if they let me starve. I'll take it even if I know it's nothing genuine.

My mind is an empty, desolate graveyard. I reach for something, anything softer. But it never comes.

The one time I leave my room, aunt Petunia gives me a worried look. I scoff and go back in my room.

"Mum, something's wrong with him." Dudley says quietly.

I retort through my door flap, "Oh yeah, nothing you've been telling me for sixteen straight years!"


Two days later, Dumbledore rescues me. I finally land at the Weasleys, and instantly, I feel lighter. I feel... smaller.

Ginny is laughing with Hermione, and her giggles are such a beautiful sound. Has she always looked this pretty? Why do I really want to hug something?

Mrs. Weasley finds me hugging a throw pillow and embraces me. "I'm so glad to see you, dear. You're peaky, I'll make dinner straight away."

Ron comes in next, a soft smile on his face. "Hey, mate. Where are you at right now? You've been so quiet."

I shrug. "Glad to be here."

It's after dinner when I really begin to slip. I try to hide it from Ginny, but she finds me hiding behind the sofa, still hugging the pillow. "Hey, silly."

I wave, feeling too little to talk. She sits next to me, and I feel comforted by her presence.


"Does anyone know the whereabouts of one Mr. Potter?"

"I'd leave him alone, Severus, he's had a rough summer."

"Lupin, I know what I'm doing."

I storm out of my hiding spot, glaring at Snape. "Oh yeah? Seems like you're just standing around to me."

Remus smiles kindly at me, and....I'm not sixteen anymore. What is happening to me?

I let him hug me, and I cling onto him. "Uncle Wemus..."

He pats my back. "You're safe now, Harry."

"You're safe now, Potter."

For some reason, I don't flinch when Snape touches my shoulder. I let him pat my head.

Remus and I separate, and I whisper, "I feel stwange."

I'm embarrassed at how I'm talking, but he only smiles. "You've had a strange summer. Would you like tea?"

SFW Age Regression One ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat