the three stooges 2

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Sirius POV

Two months pass, and James still lives with us. He says something stupid about being a burden, and we reassure him he isn't. It soon becomes clear that we'd miss his Quidditch trivia, and he'll miss us.

We get James more onesies, more pacifiers, more dinosaurs. He spends half his time little, and we encourage him.

It's soon apparent that James isn't always an angel when regressed. I find him one afternoon about to stick his wet finger in an outlet. He pouts and bursts out, "YOU STINK!"

He loves cartoons, especially ones in Arabic. He only eats omelets, even for dinner. The one time he tries to cook in adult headspace, he ends up little again and starts crying.

One afternoon, James is nowhere to be found. I search and search, but can't find him. I'm panicking until Remus sees him in a tree.

He reluctantly climbs down, pouting and angrily mumbling. Remus gently scolds him, "At least tell us before climbing a tree, silly."

James crosses his arms, trying to look intimidating but failing. "I no need to! I big James."

Remus raises his eyebrows, and James goes back to quietly pouting. "I really big. I am."

I pat his head, and he reaches for me. "Uppies!"

I chuckle as I give him a big squeeze. "Yep, you're definitely Big James."


When winter comes, Remus's health begins to suffer. His skin breaks out, and his joints are sore.

James sees a particularly nasty looking blemish on his neck and everything unravels. "Sirius....Sirius, Remus has dragon pox!"

He doesn't calm down until Remus sees a Healer. The two of us are alarmed at how worried James is. When Remus inevitably doesn't have dragon pox, James sobs in relief.

When he finally wakes up from a long nap (helped out by Calming Draught), he doesn't remember what happened. I hug him and try not to think about what his parents must have looked like with dragon pox.

Just like he did for me all those years ago in school, I'm a protective brother. I don't let him isolate himself, don't let him think he's a burden. He leans into me every step of the way.


James POV

I watch the snow out the window, paci in my mouth, wrapped in a blanket, wearing a soft onesie. I imagine fairies dancing with the snowflakes, and giggle happily. My imagination runs wild, and I imagine fairies dancing with each other.

The snowflakes turn into fairies too, and I watch in amazement as they all float and sparkle. They all have different colors, all with their each unique design. In the distance is a giant, protectively watching over us all. Am I supposed to protect the fairies? I'm honored to try!

The giant comes closer, and I see colorful scales on his jacket. His eyes sparkle like multicolored jewels, and his teeth glow. I resist the fear and watch him in fascination. He raises a hand in greeting before vanishing into the fog.

When Remus comes in, I point at the window. "Faiwies! An a giant!"

He ruffles my hair and I giggle. "You've such a vivid imagination."

I reach for him, and he hugs me.

My pacifier goes missing right before dinner. I search and search, and soon my brain is flooded. I begin to cry, harder than I have in a long time. Curling in a ball, I sob on the floor.

Sirius runs in, soothingly patting my back. "Hey, hey, it's okay, little one."

No, no it's not! I shake my head. "Paci missing!"

He gives me a big hug and I calm down a little as he helps me look for it.

Sirius finds it behind the radio by the window. I tell him earnestly, "Faiwies put it there!"

He ruffles my hair and asks if I want a snack. I say yes, not realizing I was even hungry.

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