When Ron and Hermione Shared A Tent With Harry

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Random drabble lol. Head canon that Harry sometimes age regressed when he was tired and Ron and Hermione noticed. Takes place during Deathly Hallows.

Hermione POV

Ron and I wake up before Harry does. The redheaded man is searching for food while I idly watch Harry out of boredom.

Harry is hugging a tattered old pillow to his chest, thumb in his mouth. He does that in the mornings sometimes, or even at night. Ron told me in a whisper as Harry did night guard that he's done that since fifth year.

This time, Harry looks relaxed...or something close to it. A little smile is on his face as he rolls around on his cot, still clutching the pillow. I've seen signs and glimpses of a childish side of Harry.. but now I know it's more than that.

"Aaaaah....no no no no. Nuh no no!"

Harry cries out in gibberish, hands weakly reaching for something before quieting down. He gently kicks his feet, thumb sliding back between his lips. I chuckle as he giggles and keeps kicking under the frayed blanket. He needs something warmer... it's getting colder.

Ron comes back in, smiling a little at Harry's sleep talking. "Might as well let the bloke sleep. He'll probably do night watch again."

I nod. "Good point. Have you found anything?"

He holds up a little cloth bag that I brought along. "Those mushrooms you showed me."

I beam. "You did great, for not having a lot of experience foraging!"

"...do night watch again, I overslept anyway. Oh. Mushrooms?"

Harry shuffles over, the end of his thumb between his teeth. Ron holds up the bag. "Mushrooms!"

Harry's eyes widen. "Are you sure they're edible?"

Ron waves a nonchalant hand. "Mione showed me the good ones."

Harry breathes in relief, sitting on the floor with us. His fingers rub his scar, and he winces.


After Ron leaves

The day after Ron storms out, I can't stop my crying. It's much too quiet. And Harry is also quiet, his entire body tense with anger.

One night, when I come back from the night watch, I expect to see Harry on his feet, pacing back and forth like he has been.

But instead...Harry is curled up in his blanket, pillow hugged to his chest. One corner is in his mouth.

I make my steps quiet, but he still hears me. When he speaks, his voice is very small.. almost fragile. "Mione?"

I sit by him gingerly. He makes a soft little noise, scooching closer to me. He's so different from the angry Harry I'm used to lately. He's... innocent and fragile and soft.

I make my voice calming. "Hey, Harry...are you... feeling okay?"

Harry pouts, sticking his fingers in his mouth. "Uh-uh. Ron said bye bye..."

I comfortingly pat his back, and he makes a happy little squeak. Aww...dare I call him cute?

Harry's voice is so quiet and childlike, and an expression of innocent wonder is on his face. "Feel weird...small. I small."

I gently pat his back again. "It's your turn for night watch, Harry."

I almost regret reminding him; the innocent soft demeanor vanishes. His serious face is back. "Right. You oughta sleep, Hermione."


Ron POV|| after Ron came back

My first night back, Harry has a loud nightmare.

I'm woken up at night by Harry yelling and kicking. His terrified yells turn to whimpers, and he wakes up.

I'm beginning to go back to sleep to give Harry privacy when I hear... crying.

Full of worry, I get to my feet and go right over to Harry. He's curled up in his blanket, pillow hugged to his face. I tentatively pat his shoulder, and he sits up, slightly tugging on my sleeve.

I think back to two years ago, when he woke up from a horrible nightmare and did this same thing.

I smile a little. "You want a hug?"

Harry nods, his lip trembling, his eyes wide and full of tears. I wrap my arms around him, and his crying settles down.

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