a little girl again

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More Lily being little and James being little too and also supporting her. Also Crunchy 

James POV

It's an afternoon when I discover Lily loves bunnies. 

It's the cutest thing ever, watching my wife squeal over stuffed bunnies and bring back three of them. I laugh and hug her, unable to stop myself from enjoying how carefree she looks.

I secretly buy her bunny earrings and bunny slippers for our next date, to gift her. She seems to not think she should have fun sometimes. Well, my wife will have fun and I will make sure she has a reason to laugh and squeal like that again. These days, since she cut off her sister, she hasn't smiled much. 

Lily skips through the park, her hair in pigtails, little pink bows on them, Sniffles hugged tightly to her chest. I skip with her, making sure she doesn't run off into the road in her regressed state. After seeing Harry put his fingers right in the cat's mouth the other day, my parental senses are on fire. 

We get home, and Lily timidly says in a young voice, "Hun'gy, Jamie."

I smile sweetly and nod. "Of course. I suppose you want one of those sandwiches with bean sprouts again?"

She happily nods.


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