Itty Bitty Deer Committee

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James and Lily are in hiding and James regresses on a rainy day.

Lily POV

Pitter pat, pitter pat.

Rain is pouring outside as the three of us relax in our bedroom with Harry. The little baby is fast asleep, cuddling his precious toy owl.

He's babbling in his sleep, a smile on his face. Awwww. "Ba ba ba ba..."

I look over at James and smile softly as he hugs a corner of the duvets, his pinkie in his mouth. His wand is darting about, Transfiguring planes to fly on a little baby mobile for Harry. After he came home with his face covered in blood yesterday, I'm just glad to see him relaxed.

I quietly sit up, making sure not to wake Harry. "Those little planes look awesome! Are those 1940s fighter jets?"

James nods, his pinkie leaving his mouth as he snuggles deeper into the blankets. "Zoomy zoom...they go zoomy zoom."

I frown a little in confusion. He's...acting rather childlike. But he's more relaxed than I've seen him.

He sees my face and instantly looks worried. His voice is uncharacteristically soft as he puts down his wand, tugging on my arm. "Lily? What you do?"

Wait. Petunia did this once. She was 14 and was suddenly acting like a five year old after our kitchen burned down that one time. Mum said it was the stress and Tuney was fine, just trying to cope.

I'm in deja vu as I tuck the blankets around him, making shush sounds. His eyes are wide and full of innocence. "Try sleeping a bit more, Jamie."

He shakes his head, the tip of his thumb sliding into his mouth. Oh...he really is slipping. "S'ay 'ere?"

I rub his shoulder, trying to not worry about how long James will be like...this. "How are you feeling, babe?"

His face goes pink and he mumbles something unintelligible. I say in the voice I use on Harry and Crookshanks, "I missed that, darling."

James hums a little, his hand gently gripping my arm. "Zoomy zoom calm me down. dinosaur, but I too old."

Ohhhhh. I grab Mr. Dinosaur from the shelf above us, and his face lights up. His arms wrap around his treasured childhood toy, and I giggle at how adorable he is.

James hides his face. "...look silly?"

I reach over and kiss his head. "No, no Jamie. You're seeming a bit...a bit young right now, are you alright?"

He hums again, his feet gently kicking. "Small. I'm small. Zoomy zoom?"

I give him a warm smile. "Of course, James. Go back to, er, making planes. They looked amazing!"

James giggles, lifting his wand again with a genuine, innocent smile. "Zoomy zoom!"



It's a stormy night and Harry is fussy. James is just getting back from meeting with Dumbledore, undoing his robes. I'm so thankful to see him that I throw my arms around him. His hair is back in its required ponytail, and his collar looks painfully tight.

He kisses me on my lips, my cheeks, my nose, my forehead with a frantic urgency. "James, what's going on?"

He doesn't talk until Harry is put to bed in his crib, and I'm braiding my hair for the night. James is still in his shirt, his hands clutching his collar. He's usually throwing his clothes across the room, literally. 

I'm pulling on my nightgown when he speaks, unusually soft. "Lily, they look ugly."

I lay down across the bed, my head right by him. "What looks ugly? Is this about your knees being knobby again?"

James doesn't take the joke, not a good sign. I rub his shoulder soothingly. " to me."

He's undoing his shirt, not looking at me. When his button up is undone, he lets it slip down his shoulders. I sit up and cover my mouth in shock. Fresh, raw red scarring covers my husband's innocent looking skin like zebra stripes, all over his back. "Who did this?!"

He sounds like he is on the verge of tears. "Barty Crouch Jr."

I reach to hug him, but he flinches. "James, you're safe now. No one knows where we are."

He nods, rocking back and forth a little. Full of desperation, I grab his hand, my fingers finding the familiar callouses of his bony hands and push his hair back off his forehead. I'm relieved when the simple affection makes tension leave his shoulders. "Are you in pain?"

He bites his lip, nodding. I can visibly see his defenses crumbling down as he finally realizes he's safe. James leans into me, arms hugging me a bit too tightly. I giggle, enjoying how warm he is. 

His voice still soft, he holds me and Mr. Dinosaur like teddy bears and rambles on and on and...on. 

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