🐥Clouds Are Falling From The Sky

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Harry has a depressive episode and bad anxiety while looking for a job and regresses to cope.

Harry POV

I stop leaving the house and stay curled up in bed after two job interviews don't go well. My pacifiers barely leave my mouth, I'm constantly clutching a bottle of angel milk, and I'm chewing my lips to bits.

I try to hide my deteriorating mental health, but Ron and Hermione and Ginny know me too well. When I don't leave my bedroom for morning tea, Hermione quietly enters into my room.

I'm curled in a ball, pacifier in my mouth, huddled under a blanket. "Harry...are you okay?"

I take out my paci and peer up at her from my blanket cocoon. Try as I might, Little Harry is still here. "Mione?"

She nods, a sad smile on her face as she kneels by my bed. "You haven't left your room. We're getting worried."

I frown in guilt. "Sowwy."

She ruffles my hair. "No, Harry, we just know you well enough to know that you doing this is a bad sign."

My stomach growls, and I pout. Ron appears, perching on the edge of my bed. "She's right, Harry. What's going on, mate?"

I hug Fluffy closer to me. "Bad...'m getting bad. Depwessed...vewy smaww..."

Hermione is worried. "Ron, you're better at this. How do we get him to eat?"

Ron kisses her cheek. "I've got this, Mione. You need to eat, Harry. Your tummy will hurt if you don't."

I pout more. "No feew good. No wike tummy huwt.."

Ron pats my head. "Yeah, exactly buddy. How about this, you eat breakfast...and we can all watch cartoons."

I happily sit up. "Yeah!"

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