harvey #2

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More of James and Harvey. Remus finds out about Harvey. They all survive Moldy Voldy. 

James POV

"Ba ba ba ba ba."

"And that, little one, is how stars came to exist." 

Harvey explains to Harry. I translate for the toddler, who happily babbles and plays with a little teddy bear. I rock a little, humming to myself. I hear footsteps, and turn around to see Remus sitting next to me with a kind smile. "Mind if I join?"

I shake my head, and he smiles. "Was Harvey on the Floo?"

Hesitating, I glance at Harvey and then tell him. "Harvey's my friend. You don't mind, Harvey, do you?"

Remus looks uncertain. "Is...is Harvey invisible?"

I frown. "Harvey doesn't like that word. No, he's right here, silly."

Remus uncomfortably swallows. "Harvey... Harvey is the grandfather clock?"

I nod, confused as usual. Remus smiles a bit tightly and pats my shoulder. "That's okay, Prongsie."

Harry throws a wooden block and yells, "Moomy!"

I make lunch for everyone after that, getting some beans and toast on the table before making myself an omelet. I get out the eggs, cracking them in before realizing...I'm two eggs short.

I stare at the now empty egg carton in distress, feeling myself shrink. My eyes get hot, and I stay frozen on the spot.

"James, you should have some beans, mate. Hey...buddy, what's wrong?"

I tearfully show Sirius the empty carton, and his face softens. "Oh, Jamesy. Why don't you sit down, and I'll figure out something you can eat?"

No. No. No. "I have to make it myself. And it needs three eggs."

He nods, rubbing my shoulders. "That's right, Jamesy. Why don't you eat some crisps, and I'll fix this omelet situation."

I nod in defeat, grabbing crisps and crawling into my safe spot.

Moony finds me talking to Harvey later that day, and after dinner. Harry has been put to bed, and I'm yawning as I listen to Harvey talk about the snow fairies.

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