bunny cuddles

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Lily is in labor with Harry and regresses because she is scared. James is there for her. 

Lily POV

The pain begins in the evening. My back is killing me, my feet are swollen, my face is swollen, and I'm full of anxious energy. 

James stays by my side as I hug Sniffles, my old stuffed bunny, and watch cartoons. James watches them with tired eyes, not even fazed at me showing my childish side. I've seen little glimpses of his, he has no reason to judge. 

My water breaks an hour later. Or maybe it's five minutes. Time is moving so erratically. 

I'm panicking and beginning to cry with fear. I won't have Mum at my delivery like I'd hoped. And Petunia...she won't come. And Marlene...oh Marlene, if only she were still alive!

James alerts Sirius and Remus and even Madam Pomfrey, somehow. I don't even bother asking how he did that, in favor of screaming in pain. I have no idea how we make it to St. Mungo's, but we do. 

Six hours later of pain, Harry is finally born. James makes sure I can hold him, tears rolling down all three of our faces. Harry is so tiny, teeny fists waving as he cries. James chuckles. "He makes the same face you do when you're frustrated."

I tiredly laugh. "He's got quite the lungs." After that I pass out. 

When I wake up, I'm scared again, in an unfamiliar environment, Harry not in my arms. I see James holding him, cooing to the baby as he feeds him. James softly explains, "Harry began fussing, and I wanted you to sleep. You haven't slept well these last few weeks."

My lip trembles, and to my embarrassment...I'm bawling my eyes out. James holds me, hand patting my head, other arm holding Harry. "It's okay, baby, it's okay."

I sniffle and wipe my nose, having calmed down at James' gentle words. "I'm a mess."

James chuckles a little. "Lily, you literally just gave birth. I think you should hold him."

I gently take Harry into my tired arms, my tears returning at how beautiful Harry is. He looks at me with huge green eyes. His hair is just like James'. I laugh quietly. "Oh, that hair, James. Just like yours."

"I heard there was a baby-oh my god. Remus, he's got James' hair."

"Pads, look, look at those eyes!" Remus and Sirius are suddenly in the room. James protectively looks at me. "Are you comfortable with them here?"

I nod, yawning. "Just for a bit. I'll need to sleep again."

James nods. "Not long, boys, she's exhausted. Padfoot, what is that?"

Sirius excitedly shows a knit baby hat, and I feel my tears return. "It's so cute! He'll look precious!"

Remus smiles kindly and Sirius doesn't look at me as I cry. "James should get a matching one."

James scoffs. "My hair? With a hat? You know how that always goes."

After the two of them leave, I go to sleep again. When I wake up, I hold Harry and Sniffles. James smiles at the two of us. "You are both so cute. How are you, darling? Any pain?"

I wince. "Yes, actually. James, I want to go home."

He gently kisses my forehead and my cheek. "You'll be home soon, dear. They just need to monitor you both, make sure everything is okay. Harry passed a few exams when you were asleep, he can hear pretty well, no illness, all tip top shape. And he nearly yanked my glasses off, he might be a little Quidditch player."

Pfft. "Of course you bring up Quidditch. Look at Harry in his little hat, he's so adorable."


The next week, I sleep more than I ever have before. My mind goes somewhere strange, and I find myself curling up for hours with Sniffles, sad when James has to get up to feed Harry. But he always comes back, shushing me and holding me close. 

One afternoon, I say timidly, "I'm sorry, it must be like having two babies, with how I've been acting..."

James only finishes braiding my hair and shrugs. "Nah. I don't even care, you're exhausted, dear. Need I remind you, you birthed a whole entire human being? You need to rest and recover."

My lip wobbles. "I haven't got Mum...or Petunia, or Marlene...you've been so great."

James gives me a sad smile. "I'm doing what I should do. And you've been so brave, Lily, you're a really strong woman. Even if you don't feel strong."

I whine, "I don't want to be strong, I don't want to be an adult right now."

He kisses my head and I feel so safe. "Then don't be. I'll take care of everything. You relax."

I go back to sleep, then. When I wake up, James and Harry are both on the bed, asleep. I giggle at how cute they are and poke James' cheek. His eye twitches, and my giggling gets louder. James wakes up with a pout, Harry peacefully sleeping. He whispers, "No fun."

I playfully stick my tongue out.

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