flowers for harvey

63 1 3

James POV

A relaxing afternoon finds me asleep on the floor.

I wake up on the carpet, toys around me. I yawn and sit up, stretching before quietly babbling to myself. Crawling, I make it to my crib and climb in, curling in a ball.

I'm surrounded by stuffed animals and more toys, ones Harry never touched, some from my infancy. The blanket from Petunia is still laid on the bottom, along with blue sheets.

"Dammit, where is James? Oh, duh. I should've...hey mate."

I sit up and babble, "Siwi! Ba ba ba ba ba..."

He smiles kindly. "Oh yeah?"

I give him a nod, and he ruffles my hair. Outside, the wind howls. I tilt my head at the window, thumb in my mouth. "Ba ba ba..." 

Sirius looks at the window too and explains, "We have a snowstorm, we've gotten a bit of snow so far."

I wrinkle my nose. "Brrr."

He chuckles. "Yep, brrr. We're nice and warm, though, Jamesy. Do you want lunch?"

I shake my head. "Nap."

Sirius smiles. "Alright, bud."

The next time I'm small, it's in the middle of the grocery store. I'm overwhelmed, not even the tiny stuffed animal in my pocket keeping me level. It's not long before my emotions are ramping up, and I'm pacing the cereal aisle.

Sirius is grabbing milk, and Remus is in the produce aisle. I pull my hair and mumble to myself, my frustration only growing. Why did they have to be out of the chocolate cereal?! And that specific brand too?!

I finally find the two of them, fuming as I show them the off brand cinnamon crunch. Remus smiles and then frowns. "That's not chocolate."

I irritatedly snap, "They're out! I couldn't bloody find any!"

Sirius raises a hand, looking bewildered. "Whoa, whoa. It's alright, Prongs. It's just cereal."

Why is he calm?! Why is everyone calm? Why is my hair so itchy? Why are my socks eating my feet?

My eyes sting and I hate myself. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. My scalp begins to smartfrom my fingers pulling my hair, and I hear Remus day urgently, "We need Lily."

My voice cracks and some people look over as I say almost hysterically, "Well Lily's not here, is she?"

I nervously laugh, and everyone is staring at me. Stop, stop, stop it.

"Sucker!" Remus holds out candy. I'm so taken aback that I accept the lollipop, popping it into my mouth. The feeling of it between my lips reminds me of something, and a very familiar feeling slowly replaces the misery.

Sirius smiles in relief. "That worked. Are you alright now bud?"

Confused, I shrug and frown at them. Remus pats my shoulder and that's when the feeling increases.

Why do I feel so big?

Why am I not in bed?

It slowly dawns on my childish mind what's happening when we're in the checkout line, and I have the urge to crawl under the conveyor belt.

The minute we're in the car, I curl in a ball and quietly babble to myself. I play with the seat belt until I hear Sirius say, "You okay, Prongs?"

Hugs! I want hugs! I reach my arms out. "Ba ba ba."

Remus chuckles. "Well that explains why he's so quiet. Do you want some chicken nuggets, James?"

Nuggies! I giggle and nod. "Ba ba ba ba ba!"

Sirius grins. "I think that's a yes. I heard your stomach growling, silly. Shoot, he'll need a straw, he's too little."

Remus winces. "Remember when he choked the other day? He needs a sippy..."

I listen to them talk like boring grown up people, thumb in my mouth. I finally get my chicken nuggets, and I'm so happy I squeal.


I crawl into my bed the minute I'm home, laying in Lily's spot because she's out with friends. Her pillow smells like lavender. When I hear her get home, I roll back onto my side and smile at Harry cuddling up to Mr. Dinosaur. 

Harry happily reaches for Lily when she comes into our bedroom, and I watch her pick him up and cradle him against her chest. I'm hidden under my blankets, until I smell flowers. My head pops up, and Lily smiles. "I, you flowers, Jamie."

I throw my arms around her with a happy laugh. "I love you so much, baby."

Later that day, when I visit Harvey, I lay a flower down on the floor in front of him. Hours later, after dinner, I see hat the flower is gone and there's a musical jump in the tick-tocks of Harvey. 

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