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Some brotherly fluff between Regulus and Sirius. Regulus survives and Sirius is a plural system. Also some Jegulus. 

Sirius' system:

Sirius, main fronter and caregiver role

Aries, protector

Little One: a little (child headmate/alter)

Regulus POV

"...Safe person...safe person..."

I'm hiding in an alcove and reading when I hear a childlike voice. Worried it's a younger year who is hurt, I peek my head out. I'm surprised and worried to see my older brother, Sirius, pacing in a circle, arms over his chest, muttering to himself. I've seen him do this before, of course, mostly after Mother punished him harshly.

I venture up to him, and he stares wide eyed at me, before his lip trembles. "Wegulus..."

I look around, making sure the coast is clear before I hug him and guide him into the alcove. "How come you're by yourself, little one?"

He mumbles, "Not bothew Jamesy."

I sigh sadly. "Of course, of course. I doubt James would mind, in fact I bet he's looking for you."

Little One looks guilty, and I pat his shoulder. "No, no, don't feel bad! James cares about you, just like I do. Now, have you eaten?"

He plays with his hair as he thinks about it, and shakes his head. I dig snacks out of my pockets from Barty and offer them. He gratefully takes them, giggling as he noms away. 

Relieved, I open my book back up. "How about I read to you, kiddo? And you can do your thing and relax."

He nods, clapping his hands. "Love it when Weggie wead to me!"

Smiling, I turn to the next page and read. 

An hour later, I hear frantic footsteps outside our haven. I peek out, my brother asleep on my shoulder. James is looking around, wringing his hands. "Sirius? Mate, where are you? Shoot, why did I give Remus the map? Hellooo? Where...oh!"

He rushes over and I hold a finger to my lips. "Little one is asleep. He's okay."

James sighs in relief, hand going into his awful hair. "Thank Merlin. Mind if I..."

I shrug. "Go ahead."

He sits next to us, blowing air out of his cheeks. It's then I notice how messy and rumpled his uniform looks, and that his eyes are a bit red. "Are you alright?"

James seems startled by the question. "Y-yeah, of course."

I raise an eyebrow, and he sighs. "I was just...frazzled, over finding Sirius. He wasn't in the common room and he normally is, right at 10am. It just...threw my morning off."

I nod in sympathy. "Of course. Well, you've found him now. I can read to you both."

James' routine gets thrown off, and his whole day is ruined. It's easy to not see how much he depends on it, especially with that wide smile he wears all the time. 

Another hour passes, and Sirius blinks, looking confused. "How'd I get here?"

James explains, "Regulus found you over there pacing two hours ago and read to you and then an hour ago I came up and found you."

He blinks and smiles apologetically. "Sorry for disappearing on you, mate. And thanks, Regulus."

I scoff. "Whatever, get lost you two."

James gives me a meaningful look, and I roll my eyes before giving him a kiss. 


The next time I see James, he is talking frantically to Sirius and Remus and Peter, hands flailing about and hair bobbing all over the place. I sneak up and take his hand in mine. 

Sirius smiles in relief. "Thank goodness, James is losing it."

He shrieks, "You're losing it!"

My eyes widen as James begins ranting about Quidditch and incompetent Hufflepuffs and something about blue Snitches. I put my hands on his shoulders. "James. Breathe."

He agitatedly flaps his hands, his hair sticking straight up now. "I CAN'T!"

Sirius's wyes go wide, and his hands fly over his ears. "Safe person!"

James temporarily looks calm, and then laughs,  the sound metallic and empty. He eventually calms down and goes over to Sirius. "You're safe, little one. I was just...having a moment. Do you want me and Reggie to read to you?"

He nods, playing with his hair. 

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