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Sequel to the last one. Lily helps James understand what is happening to him. Also James does a thing he did as a kid and gets an imaginary friend, because of the loneliness of being in hiding. Named after the song I'm listening to as I write hehe. 

James POV

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. The grandfather clock pendulum swung in a soothing rhythm. The ticking was almost lulling me to sleep. As the minutes became hours, my childish mind wandered and I pondered if there was really a sleeping monster inside the great elegant clock. The enormous wooden thing lived in the sitting room, along with all of my parents' books. 

Lily found me when she and Harry woke up and she discovered my empty side of the bed. By that time, I'd let myself completely slip, thinking I was alone. Leaning my head on my hands, kicking my feet, I began to talk to the ticking wooden monster.

"Jamie, darling, who are you talking to?"

I looked up, and just like that, I was back in the grown up world. I didn't like the grown up world. "My friend."

I saw her face tighten, and her green eyes were wide with what looked like fear. But she sat next to me, a hand holding my shoulder. "Are you still...small, babe?"

I nodded, feeling a pout grow on my face. "I sowwy."

She shushed me. "No, no, Jamie, it's okay. Would you like to have breakfast?"

I shook my head. I'd begun to feel too big and awkward and grown up again. "I no like it."

She chuckled a little. "Well, you have been eating only the same omelet for weeks now."

I shook my head again. I was little and confused and her sentences were too much to understand. "No like small."

She understands, giving me a small smile. "Do you know old you are right now, Jamie?"

I thought about it, much too hard. Wincing at the ensuing headache, I answered, "I four."

She patted my head. "That's okay, darling. Do you think you can at least eat some crisps for me?"

When my slow brain finally understands her grown up words, I nod. "Huwa Hoops?"

The rest of the day went too slowly. Even mentally four years old, I was bored. Fortunately, Harry was a newborn and as exciting as ever.

I watched Harry while Lily relaxed, giggling as the little guy grabbed my fingers and smiled at me. He watched, entranced, pacifier in his mouth as I stacked blocks, showed Harry the ABCs, and supervised Crookshanks.

Hours later, Lily called my name, and I heard multiple pairs of feet. Instantly, I was twenty again, Harry was cradled to my chest, and I was brandishing my wand. "SHOW YOURSELF!"

"Jamesy, Jamesy! It's me! I'm Sirius Black and I'm the only one who knows you wore a dinosaur shirt underneath your robes at your wedding."

I was too shocked and overwhelmed to move, so much that Sirius took a now fussing Harry from me, bouncing the baby on his hip. His face softened, and I wondered with a twinge of embarrassment if Lily had told him.

I was enveloped by leather, and I remembered I had arms, lifting them awkwardly to hug him back. He patted my shoulder, and I realized with frustration that I was four years old again.

He pulled away, frowning. "You're very quiet."

I grabbed onto him again. I'd never felt so desperate before. "Don't go! No!"

He shushed me, hand on my head, embracing me so tightly. "I'll have to, mate, you know that..."

No! "No, no, no. You stay. You stay! Bwother, Siwi!"

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