Level 1 - Act 3: Entrance Trials

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A/N: Just to remind everyone, this series is related to the first series, but Overdrive isn't like how One for All works for Izuku.

After Kairu's training with Oridious was finished and both were planning on getting Kairu into U.A., Kairu was then questioning about how to get in.

Oridious: Is there something wrong, Young Kairu?

Kairu looked at him.

Kairu: Well...I'm thinking of this: How doe's one get into U.A?

Oridious then laughed.

Oridious: Your question was that?

Kairu was then questioned.

Oridious: Ok, their are a few things in order to get in. You must fill in a application for the main board of the School about you and your Quirk. Secondly, you must enter the School's Entrance Exam and earn enough points. When those points are tallied, they will show who'll be excepted.

Kairu: Oh...Well I haven't made an application and...

Oridious: No worried, I know some reliable sources from U.A and they were happy to slip you in. They also saw you on the news a few weeks ago.

Kairu: Of course.

Oridious then grinned.

Oridious: No worries, my boy, You'll do great!

Kairu: Yeah, but...what is the Entrance Exam?

*Insert Intro*

Both of them made it back to Kairu's apartment so Oridious could show him what it was. He had some footage from the previous one and was showing him what it was about.

 He had some footage from the previous one and was showing him what it was about

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Oridious: And there you have it!

Kairu was then quiet from what he just saw.

Kairu: Robots? I have to fight Robots that large and huge?!

Oridious: Well from my buddy back at U.A, He said they are harmless and easily destructible, so Overdrive is your friend in this battle.

Kairu looked at the footage as it showed a green haired Boy destroying the face of the larger one. He remembered him from the first time he got Overdrive and saving the Shopping distrct.

Kairu: Is that...?

Oridious looked at boy on the screen, realising the power he just used.

Oridious: I knew he did it sooner or later.

Oridious then looked at Kairu who was looking at Lucy, who was sleeping.

Oridious: Well I better be off. Get some rest, I'll get you early tomorrow and please survive!

Kairu: ...I'll try.

Oridious: Good!

Oridious then left his apartment as Kairu went to get some sleep.

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