Level 2 - Act 8: Player Names

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A/N: Getting to my somewhat favourite part of Season 2, being the Hero Agency Week Arc, which the First one being where Everyone comes up with their Hero Names, the Creation of Kairu's new Equipment and transfering to Hero Agencies.

After a week after the Sports festival, Kairu was heading to U.A., since it was a new week for him and everyone else. It was also Special, just like Oridious told them.

He was heading to U.A. from Meryo's Family Limo, who happily agreed to drive them there. As they were driving to U.A., a News report from the Sports Festival came up, which showed Kairu, Bakugo and Shoto on the Poldeums at the end of the Festival.

Reporter: And in other news, it's been a week after the U.A. Annual Sports Festival, in which was also the day one new Student, Kairu Sumisu from the new Recon Course, won first in all three events. To being honest, I think he'll make a good Hero than a Recon.

The Driver overheard the Reports and spoke into it.

Driver: I heard about that, Mr. Sumisu. You really put on Quite a show for us all.

Kairu then laughed a little.

Kairu: I mean I didn't think I would of took first place in all the events, but it was also a chance for everyone to show what they learned this far. I mean, I hate any and all Sports days. Also, you can just call me Kairu if you like.

Driver: I'll love to, but it's my job to address my clients in a proper manor.

They then rolled up the window that goes to the back, as Meryo then replied.

Meryo: Don't be nervous. Many people are treated differently, even us. However, since we're Classmates and friends, that won't change between us two and others.

Kairu: Thanks Meryo.

Meryo: Speaking of friends, I think that Bakugo fellow might be changing his ways on you.

Kairu then chuckled nervously, as he then reminded him.

Kairu: I don't think he'll be like that to me, since I kind of taken his win.

Meryo: Huh? I see.

They then kept quiet until they got to U.A. Lucy then came out and looked at them both.

Lucy: Vee?

*Insert Intro*

Once they all got to U.A., it was a Raining season, so it started raining. Kairu and Meryo got in unharmed and were putting their stuff in their respected Lockers.

Bakugo: Kairu!

Just then, both were greeted by Bakugo, who looked happy to see Kairu but ignoring Meryo.

Kairu: Wassup Bakugo? You ok?

Bakugo: Nah! Don't worry about it. Heading to class?

Kairu and Meryo were both then confused on what's going on with Bakugo, as well as other Students.

Kairu: Please tell me your not controlled by a Quirk?

Bakugo: If I was, then they'll be blasted away by now! Anyway, see you in class!

Once he left, Kairu and Meryo were then very confused.

They all then headed to Class 2-C, everyone was also there, along with other Class 1-A Students. Their were a lot less more, as it was now, Izuku, Ochako, Bakugo, Shoto and Tenya.

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