Level 1 - Act 9: Sweet 'n' Sour Siblings

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A/N: Like I said from before, I haven't gotton that far for this Chapter, but I have other ideas for it too.

After Both Kairu and Meryo were declared Class 2-C's Reps, Kairu tried to learn how being the Classe's representive works. As he didn't have any clue about it, he invited Meryo and Magnetta to his apartment.

Meryo: Well, not the ideal place for someone like me would live in.

Kairu: Try and make yourself at home?

Magnetta: I think he's saying it's homely to you.

Meryo: You both know I live in a fancier place, right?

Kairu: Just take your seats.

They both did take a seat on one of the couches, as Kairu just stood up.

Kairu: Ok, so you all agreeded that I should be the Classe's Representitive, correct?

Meryo: Well that's what all of us agreeded too. Thanks for making me the Co-Rep.

Kairu: No problem. Anyway, I have no clue to how it works.

Meryo: Well, to put in clearer views, they are a Student who represents their Classe's Academics.

Kairu: Well, thanks for telling me that.

Meryo: No problem. I was once a Class Rep at my old High School, you know.

Magnetta: Neat. So now what?

Kairu: Well, I thought there was more too it, but I guess since your still here, want to hang out a little?

Both Classmates looked at him.

Meryo: Why not?

Magnetta: I mean I did tell my parents I might be hanging out with you for the day, so I guess that's a victory.

Kairu just chuckled at his Classmates.

*Insert Intro*

The Next Day at U.A., Everyone was finishing up their first period morning Class. Some were talking to there friends and some were still learning their Academics. Izuku was looking and writing in his notebook about the heroes and their Quirks. He was looking at a Blank page that was Kairu's. He was still focused on what he Quirk was.

Izuku: It might be something like Tenya's? No, his speed won't even be close to that...Maybe something like enhanced boost?... No, He might cause way worst destruction...

Before he felt like giving up, the Notebook was snatched off him by Bakugo.

Before he felt like giving up, the Notebook was snatched off him by Bakugo

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Izuku: K-Kachan!

Bakugo stared at him and looked at the notebook and the page, finding Kairu's name.

Bakugo: Your guessing on that Kairu's Quirk? I may know your Secret about your Quirk and I believe his is like yours, Deku!

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