Level 2 - Act 14: Preperations

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A/N: I did think of this Chapter for a bit of it, but this will be where everyone will be preparing for the Exam at U.A. Unlike the one Class 1-A had, this will be for the Recon Course, which will be testing them about how much they learned this far.

After the last couple of weeks, everyone was preparing for Class 2-C's Practical Exam, which will be showing everyone how much they learned this far. Some were excited while others were thinking and getting worried about it.

Magnetta: Hey Kairu, are you ready for the Exam yet?

Kairu gave her a shy smile.

Kairu: I mean we haven't learned much for it, but I'm hoping.

Meryo: Don't worry, my Type swapping friend. Maybe I could help you with a few pointers.

Kairu: Huh? O-oh yeah.

In truth, Kairu was sort of distracted from what happened those weeks ago. From learning much about Overdrive, meeting All Might in person, knowing about his and Oridious' secret, it was a bit too much for him.

Magnetta: So, want to do a study session with us later?

Kairu: Sure. I can learn a little from you two. Maybe a lot.

Both knew he was still nervous, as they were going to help his confidents.

*Insert Intro*

Since the Practical Exam weren't about to begin until a few days, that gave time for Kairu to make more Type Balls at the Development Class. Since Mei was happy to make them, he thought he should take the time to make a few more.

Mei: Welcome back, Black Knight!

Kairu gave a chuckle from what she called him, since that would be his Hero name for now on.

Mei: So, what are you here for? More Type Balls?

Kairu: You know it. I did get a few more dust from my Transference week. Not much, but enough to bring power into them.

Mei gave a small laugh.

Mei: It must be awesome to be out there, am I right?

Kairu: Yeah. Most of the Students did call you a 'lab shut in'. No offence.

???: That's what I always call her.

Just then, both were greeted by one of the Teachers. His hero outfit was almost looking like construction vehicles and tools. He did show Orange hair coming from the helmet, but his eyes were covered by the claws from it.


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Name: Higari Maijima - Hero name: Power Loader - Quirk: Iron Claws - Types: Steel - Ground

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