My Step-Love Chapter 28

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I turned to see Haley, the one from school Haley, the one who was my best friend, the one that moved away. Yeah THAT Haley! She had redish, orangish hair and was tanner than usual. She didn't notice me looking at her until Lisa called for me.

"Hey Vanessa," Lisa undid the chain to the arena, "could you show us how to mount a horse since you have the most experience?"

I lightly tug on Sunkiss's rein's and walked into the arena and grabbed the mounting box, though I didn't need it but I knew she wanted me to use it. I step onto the box and slowly display how it was done to get on a horse. I, of course could feel the hungry male eyes on me as I was forced to display my flexibility. Once I was on Sunkiss I decided to go on and walk around the arena not wanting to be the center of attention anymore. Soon everyone was on, well besides Drake who was too busy staring at Haley as she got on her horse. I had Sunkiss trot over towards Haley and blocked Drake's stare and allowed me to actually see if its the Haley I used to know.

"Are you Haley Storm?"

Haley looked at me with a huge smile, "I was hoping you would recognize me! I have missed you so much! You are the only reason why I am here, because Mom and Dad live on the coast and are going to be gone all day." Haley rolled her eyes emphasizing what she wasn't saying directly, "so not wanting to be around that and not have anyone around I remembered you said Horse camp so I decided I would come here!"

"I really have missed you," I looked over and watched Ethan talk and motion to one of the girls' butts. "You won't believe what is happening, or HAS happened."

"Alright girls and boys we are just gonna ride about the arena allowing you to get the feel of riding a horse," Lisa explained and went off talking to Alice.

"What is Ethan doing here?" Haley oblivious to all that has happened continued to stare in awe that he was here, "I mean he HATES horses so why be here?"

"Punishment," I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"How do you know this? Did you like you two start hanging out or something while I was gone?" Haley was now CLEARLY confused which is understandable.

"My mom is marrying Ethan's dad so that means Ethan and I have to live together," I shrugged and breathed through my lightly clenched teeth. "It is obviously NOT working! Last weekend I went to a friend's house and didn't tell Mom and Ethan went to a party and got drunk. So since we worried our parents we have to do this camp thing together since I paid for TWO people." I lead us off the common ridden dirt arena and lead us to the more grassier area allowing us to cool in the shade and get away from everyone.

"So wait," Haley held up her hand to emphasize the 'wait'," your mom is getting hitched with his dad?" She thumbed to Ethan who now was acting all show off like with Drake and a couple girls.

"Yeah," I said shaking my head at Ethan knowing this would most likely NOT end well. I turned my attention back to Haley to give her more of an idea, "here is the weird thing! Ethan's dad is absolutely amazing! He is one of the best dads EVER!! I am trying to figure out why Ethan is SO not like him, because those two are nothing alike besides that damn smirk!"

"If it makes you feel any better I might be staying in the state." I turned to Haley to let her see that I was focusing on her now. "My mom was caught cheating on my dad and now they are filing for a divorce. Now if I live with Dad I will be here, if I go with Mom I will be going to Cali."

"Well you seem to get along better with your dad. I would stick with him if I were you, but that is just from what I am told." I shrugged turning to see everyone gathering around Lisa so Haley and I followed suit.

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