My Step-Love Chapter 4

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I woke up to find I was alone on my couch. I rested my weight on my arms and looked around my room droopy eyed. Kale's clothes were gone and the raido clocked said, 11:11 AM. I lay my head back down then snap it back up wide eyed. "SHIT IM LATE!!" I get up and run to the door when I notice a note on in the crake of the door. It was Kale's handwriting saying:

"Dear Vanessa, I hate to tell you this but your sister and I snuck Benidryl into your pizza. I told her to, because you need the sleep. Don't worry about the truck or getting your sister I will take care of it. This is my way of repaying you for letting me move in. Oh by the way, you need to talk to your mom, you wont believe it if I told you. Love Kale."

I looked at the note, chuckled and ran fingers through my hair. I smiled then thought about Mom, 'did she get the job? If  so, what kind of job? Will she now help around and with the house? Will we be finally able to make a healthy bond of care and love not my hating her?' I go out of my room to be welcome by the smell of eggs, bancon and pancakes. I follow the smell on an empty stomach as I arrive in the kitchen I see Mom cooking with her pink apron on in her little white dress bare foot and the front of her hair pulled back and held clup. She had her back towards me and I couldn't help but go back to when I was 8 and woke up every morning to see this, we had a bond before I found out what a monster she really was.

"Mornin. How did the interveiw go?" I asked finally remembering I had legs and began to walk into the kitchen. She put the last of the eggs and bacon then three pancakes onto a plate handing it to me then the syrup with a smile. I returned the smile to be poliet and sat at the table waiting for her to join me across the table. I dug in hoping that this didn't have that cursed sleeping drug in it..

Mom watched me with a smile while I ate until finally I sat and looked up at her with a questioning face. "Well, Vanessa, I know I haven't been the best mother, no, not a mother at all and left it all to you. So I decided to grow up and go look for a job as a secritray. It something I could always do, besides I don't think I could ever find a job desiging clothes." She sighed, that had always been her dream. I had to admitt I saw some of her designs for dresses and heels, even I would wears some of them, as much as I didn't like her I always wanted her to have the best. "I am very grateful that you have been so good to Aki and took care of the house, but now I want you to let go alittle ok?" In my head I knew what would happen, A.) she quit her job and go back B.) get pregnant again C.) she would leave us all. No matter what she said I will never trust her. Ever.

I remained silent biting my tounge as she talked. "Vanessa. I wish you would stop hating the invevitable. I want you and Aki to be happy and go to college. I want the best for you two."

Not being able to remain silent I snapped, "yeah well shouldv'e thought of that a LONG time ago! I am running this house, taking care of my HALF sister, working, paying bills AND going to high school!! I am doing things YOU should be doing then you have the NERVE to come out and say I want the best for you?!?! Sorry Mom this isn't a Soap Opera! I wont go Oh! Ok! and be happy go lucky! NO! I will be pissed like I am getting at! While you were busy getting fucked with most likely my HALF brother's dad I was make sure Aki wouldn't get extermely sick! I took money out of my college account to take her to a doctor to get medicine! I took the money out this time NOT you!!! YOU are always taking money out and now you want me to go to college!! YOU shouldn't even be saying you want me to go to college when I have HALF in there from what I USED to have!!! The doctor took a small amount YOU have over  2000 of MY money in you BOOBS!" I scream and left the kitchen and my horrified mother and went into my room.

I grabbed my phone, black skinny jeans, red tube shirt with a black heart with white sting holding it together on the left side of my shirt, my black hoodie then my black converse. I jabbed in my earphones, my my red and black snapback so no one would reconized me, and turned on my music, grabbed the key and walked outside barely noticing Mom washing dishes. I slammed the door and walked down the street to blow off steam. I listened to screamo for awhile then cooled down into rock and pop.

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