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October 20th, 2552, New Mombasa. 

The Covenant ship that has the Prophet of Regret just jumped through slip space and following it was the ship Iron Clad but what remains of the Covenant forces was spread around New Mombasa. ODST'S were spread around along with groups Marians several on their own mission. Only one group of Spartans were around to help hold the line. 

Two Hornets flew past an opened drop pod as they approached the center of the city one of the Spartans jumped out of the Hornet. "I'm at the drop off point I'll make my way to the anti-aircraft gun. Good luck everyone."  Spartan X held onto some dog tags as he jumped down the building. "Spartan X this is Holland I will be your help throughout this." Spartan X noticed a brute breaking a Sanghelil's over its head. "Holland? Also known as Nobel actual am I correct? You were on Reach. The leader of Nobel team also stationed on Castel base." Holland was silent for a moment by just the shock on the information that Spartan X knew on him. "Correct Spartan. Your mission is to clear an area and remove the three anti-aircraft guns and a remaining convoy in the area and get the Mac-guns online." Spartan X taken one look at his shot gun and noticed a Grunt entering a building he followed the Grunt into the Building it mounted a Plasma turret waiting for any unsuspecting people Spartan X snuck up and sliced the Grunt's throat. Spartan X saw a Brute smashing a Sangiliheili's head on the concrete ground. 

Holland radioed in "Spartan X are you at the anti-air weapon no ships can come close to the L.Z if that weapon is still operational." Spartan X threw a grenade to a group of Grunts. "Almost their but I'm pinned down I have two Banshee pinning me and a hunter with an energy shield. I'm out of rockets and low on ammo is there any type of support that can arrive at my position?" Holland paused for a moment. "We have a group of ODST on their way should take them about 30 minutes see if you can hold out." Just as Holland finished his sentence the Anti-air weapon blew up killing the hunter and taking down one of the Banshee's. Spartan X looked at the destroyed weapon and noticed a figure that was nearly invisible jumping up the cliff. Spartan X  told Holland what has happened till a covenant drop ship dropped jetpack brutes. Spartan X pulled out his shotgun and threw his knife at a head of a brute. Just as the ODST arrived a pelican arrived to take spartan X from the area to take down the second anti-air weapon. Halfway to the drop point the Pelican was shot by a Phantom the Pilot was knocked out spartan X took control and shot down the Phantom. He soon noticed the second weapon was already taken down "Holland did you deploy another group to destroy the anti-air weapon?" Holland was confused but when Spartan X showed him what remains Holland told him to go to the AA gun then go to the convoy ship Spartan D is on his way to the final Anti-air weapon we'll give you a long sword to destroy it once that the AA gun is online. Spartan P and N has the Mac gun online." Spartan X looked around and noticed a phantom on the ground in great condition. "There is no need for that I found a Phantom." Spartan X activated the Phantom when he gotten it to fly he saw a few Covenant ships excavating the area Around New Mombasa. Spartan X flew just above where the AA gun was stationed when he activated it a door opened up and five kids came out, Spartan X put down his weapon as he noticed that it was children. The smallest of the crew probably five looked at Spartan X in astonishment. "Are you an ODST?" The oldest at the age of eight spoke to him "He can't be look he is a good eight feet and he's not wearing the right armor." Spartan X kneeled down to them "You all should've been evacuated with all of the others why are you all here?" the eldest looked straight at Spartan X and said "The bus we all were on was attacked by a big monster with a big hammer. Everyone was gone they all were on the floor we are all that is left." Spartan X gotten up and called Holland. "Holland I have a situation I found Five civilians' children should I take them to the rally point?" Holland responded with gun shots being heard in the background. "Do what you can spartan our base has been overrun forget the convoy good luck." Spartan X turned around and noticed a ship heading towards him spartan X told the kids to get into the Phantom. Once that the began to get close to a UNSC base the rest of his team began to arrive as well. Spartan D arrived on a ghost Spartan S arrived on a mongoose and finally spartan P and N arrived in a Warthog Spartan X radioed the base to let them know that he was arriving in a Phantom everyone began to stand down as the Phantom arrived and hovered over a landing Zone. As all of the Children went down to the ground Spartan X came down and noticed an engineer, he pulled out his shot gun till Buck an ODST stopped him from shooting it. Spartan X looked at him confused till Dare came out and took the engineer into a building Buck noticed the kids. "I noticed you had your hands full. Mickey, Rookie take the kids off the Spartan's hands and take them to the mess they might be hungry." As Buck escorted Spartan X to the briefing room SGT. Jhonson was sitting with a freshly light cigar. "Welcome Spartan I have a mission for you and your team." Spartan X noticed some movement he pulled out his shotgun to a shimmer. The Arbiter revealed himself. "I guess you seen him already he is on our side now. Spartan X I like you to meet the Arbiter he will be with me you and your team well you all need to help contact a friend of the Arbiter to help us out at this important time."                                          

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