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When Spartan X was released the U.N.S.C given him and his team a mission, Head quarter had gave them all the information that they had but it didn't seem enough to know what they might go up against. When they arrived at the south pole a snow storm had started to form the had to stay in the research base till the storm clears. There were a few soldiers around the base it was unknown what had happened or what they had found but to get soldiers it must be series. Once that the storm had cleared I was shown to a tunnel that lead 600ft under the ice which the Spartans were the first to go down. Once that they had reached the bottom they saw a temple similar to the one on Planet X there was still some ice on the temple it was damaged by being under the ice for a very long time it seems that the inside has not collapsed then a few researchers and a few covenants soldiers had came down as well to see it. We couldn't wast much time if the type of aliens that we fought at the temple on planet X if they had lived for so long, we has set up a few weapons for Preparation of what might show.
As they entered the temple a similar ship from planet X had appeared at Earth atmosphere and released three pods to the temples location three miles away from the base were the research will be taking place while the Spartans were preparing for there investigating to the temple and to see if it has any similarities to the one on "Planet X". It now seems that a new war is about to begin that had started centuries ago but the human race will be evolved more than ever.

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