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Spartan X: "This temple it seems very old but it is holding as if it was first built today and well planned."
(A large roar can be heard all throughout the temple)
Spartan X: "What the hell was that. (Looks down) Hm blood this is not human so there might be some Covenants here or something else. Might as well follow the trail."
As the Spartan was walking around in the temple not knowing what is deep within the temple. Now the queen Xenomorph had started to lay out eggs after being unfrozen in the temple for centuries. The other Spartan has arrived at the camp site.
Spartan Paige: "Ok everyone spread out we don't know what can be around this area so keep your eyes sharp. You won't know what can be around."
Soldier: "We looked around the camp their was a few survivors. But it seems like what ever happened it seems like a Spartan was here a few hours ago."
Spartan Paige: "There was no one on this planet before us so how can that be."
Spartan 2: "We located a second pelican it was blown up. It seems like it was blown up just before we arrived."
Spartan Paige: "Ok I'll go check it out you and the others look around ok Nick."
Spartan Nick: "Ok you hear that men look around!"
As Spartan X was in the temple he started to see some carvings that is telling a story of what the creatures are as well as the history of the hunters.
Spartan X: "I don't understand any of this. This language it has no existence to any language that is known. But by the symbol it shows a second type of creature."
As soon as Spartan X heard that call for help he ran to it to find who or what was crying for help.
Later the last two Spartans had came they are known as Damian and Shawn has arrived on the planet as well then the team of X is almost together but they need Spartan X to be complete.
Spartan S: "It has been a while since we've all been together right."
Spartan D: "Yeah all four of us it would have been five but he is gone. Lucky we are together in this mission like old times. Wait look at that land the pelican now."
Spartan S: "What are you doing now."
Spartan D: "There is a temple here."
Spartan S: "So"
Spartan D: "Did they said that the planet has no intelligent life."
Spartan S: "Yeah so what."
Spartan D: "We need to check this out ok after we are out go to the base camp ok."
Pilot: "Got it good luck out there."

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