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I made my way to the temple knowing that this would be the last place Spartan 117 (MASTER CHIEF) would look. I started to go around and noticed this was not an ordinary maze it was one that can change. Every five to twenty minutes. So I had to make my way through quickly but I fell into a hole and landed in a chamber it was strange there was bodies but they look like they were there for centuries. I also noticed that there was some type of eggs in the room at the feet of the bodies but they already seemed like that they've hatched but it wasn't cracked it seemed like what ever it was it came out from the top. I was looking for a way out of the chamber till I heard talking coming from below me. I placed a grenade on the floor and when it blew I heard a type of hissing I went down the hole and I was in a second chamber but it had weapons around I noticed a type of gun on the floor I knew it was not covenants cause it had the same symbols that is around the temple it seemed damage but it looks like I can repair it. I was looking for a way out till I seen the Hunter looking at me till a Hunter (covenant) busted through the wall between me and the other Hunter I was putting "plasma grenades" on its back then the other Hunter separated it head from its body just when I finished putting the last one on it. It was looking at me as if it was studying me then it left me I looked were the Hunter came from. On the other side of the wall was a room filled with eggs the same ones that I saw in the previous chamber. I started looking around and I saw covenants bodies in the wall but they were all dead and there was a large hole through there chest. Then I started hearing hissing all around me I throw the last three grenades I had around the room and ran out as quick as I can and exited the temple. When exited  Spartan 117 (MASTER CHIEF) was in the front of the entrance he walked to me and took a good look at me.
117: "Why are you here Spartan X this is for us only not you. Put him in the prison hall will ask questions later."

HALO SPARTAN XWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu